Her last post was on this thread ...
by snowbird 43 Replies latest jw friends
Her last post was on this thread ...
hey rosy....where are you my wee JW apologist friend?
Just been looking at her posts; does she just come here for and argument? Seems so.
Sheesh, don't talk up that nut, please!
I more logical conversations with my dog!
LOL nj, Dogs are much more intelligent, loving and reasonable
I offered to study the bible with her. The only condition was that we use just the bible. Her opinion was that we needed the direction of the WT material. She never answered me when I pointed out Jesus said when two are gathered in his name there he is also. Why would we need anything else.
I think rosalee will wake up one day. I hope so.
I think rosalee will wake up one day. I hope so.
So do I.
And when she does, I hope she goes back and reads every post she has hijacked with all her nonsense, then apologized to eveyone she has insulted!
I wish some folks would be a wee bit more tolerant of some peeps who come on here trying to defend their beliefs.....some are obviously questioning things but have been involved with the JW's so long that they must be in some turmoil.....I think if we ridicule them we will scare them back to the meetings believing we are all bitter apostates just as the watchtower told them.....that is not to say we cant refute their beliefs....but comments from peeps like ex-nj-jw saying "don't talk up that nut" dont do anyone any good....ninja.....p.s....I have found Rosalee to be a nice person in any correspondence we have had.....just my thoughts.....ninja
Ninja, Then she should feel welcome as long as she knows she has some people who will be nice to her.
From my experience, she's only nice to the people here who kiss her ass.
(not that they do so intentionally, just saying that seems to be the only people she is nice to.
Once you tell her how you really feel, she lets you have it with both barrels and with no mercy.)