by snowbird 43 Replies latest jw friends

  • SnakesInTheTower

    $hit does not stink unless you step in it. I started to say don't encourage Rosalee to come back, but that is wrong.

    We have not had a peaceful 3 weeks just because Rosalee is not here....other trolls and apologists have stepped into take her place... ...there will always be someone...and that's fine...as long as they dont get stupid about it.

    I agree that we should treat any who come here with respect until they prove they dont deserve it..., as the logo in the forum header says "...everyone welcome!"

    I hope one day Rosie wakes up and clears the BorgWebs from her head. The fact that she is here says that it is starting.

    Rosie, if you are lurking, you are welcome here with open arms, just lose the attitude.

    One day, I will finish the dusting in my mind and get completely out myself.

    SnakesInTheTower (of the "Still has some mental dusting to do" Sheep Class)

  • BFD

    Ninjy and BFD I love both of you guys and you always seem to play fair. And at the risk of loosing your respect for me, I will not be tollerant to people like rosalee! And you will never catch me kissing her ARSE

    Nj, I won't lose any respect for you.

    Everyone reacts differently to these apologists that show up here. Some of the apologists don't really deserve respect. I feel bad for Rosey because I think she is stuck between two worlds even though she can't admit it to herself, yet. One day she will wake up, of that I am pretty certain. My PM exchanges with her have been rather pleasant. She does have a tendency to shut down if she can't answer a question but imo, that's all part of the brainwashing.

    Love to you.


  • ex-nj-jw
    Nj, I won't lose any respect for you.

    right back atcha BFD


  • ninja

    hey nj......I kiss nobodys arse........but I just put myself in their place......when we were in the WT we would have defended it to the hilt ......I am just saying if you give people respect you tend to receive it back.....and Rosy has been nothing but respectful and friendly to me.......and in that atmosphere discussion can take place without polarisation.......anyway.....I havent in the least lost any respect for you....all the best ....ninja

  • Es

    Im pretty sure she had a go at me too but it was through PM, I was like WTF, I didnt even know who she was and yet she was pming me telling me how I should behave in a certain situation!!!!


  • snowbird
    RosaleeRe: WHAT do YOU know about LUCIFER... and His teachings?

    Post 172 of 172
    since 21-Apr-07


    She's back!!!


    The question in this topic is :What do YOU know about LUCIFER... and His teachings?"

    In the KJV of the Bible in Isaiah 14:12 the word "Lucifer" is used. It is in reference to the King of Babylon. It is a mocking question about his lofty position .. in his own mind .. and how he will be abased .. to the 'pit' .. hell or hades.

    To be sent to 'hades', one has to considered human. It being the resting place of the dead. Spirits do not go to the common grave ... thus ... this reference cannot be to Satan ... a spirit creature.

    Thus the name Lucifer is not a name for Satan.

    At one time, it was understood to be but is now recognized not to be.

    That being said, His teachings are not noteworthy.

  • Rosalee

    Well ... this is a huge surprise!!! To think someone would start a thread about little ol' me :)

    Thank you vey much, ninja,snakes and BFD ... however three strokes with a wet noodle to you, BFD.

    tsk .. tsk .... you have told a lie. Shame on you! You said you offered to study the Bible with me using only the the Bible AND I agreed! (via pm) Now you claim I said I needed further help from the WT ... didn't happen, my friend. You are not the first person to ask me this and not the last to step out of actually starting a study using only the Bible. Care to step up to the plate now and have that study? (via pm).

    nj ... you really must get that hostility under control :)

  • BFD

    Rosalee said to me:

    tsk .. tsk .... you have told a lie. Shame on you! You said you offered to study the Bible with me using only the the Bible AND I agreed! (via pm) Now you claim I said I needed further help from the WT ... didn't happen, my friend. You are not the first person to ask me this and not the last to step out of actually starting a study using only the Bible. Care to step up to the plate now and have that study? (via pm).

    Before you try and hit me with that wet noodle, perhaps there was a misunderstanding, but, I did not lie.

    I did not lie but I cannot proove it because those pms are so old they have been deleted from my in box. I would still like to take you up on that study but using only the bible. Put away the WT stuff and just use the Bible. Game on, I will be using the NIV.


  • Rosalee

    Hi BFD ... perhaps we both have misunderstood. Good to hear from you ... and I will put the wet noodle away for the time being ... but you must behave :)

    I would love to have our study now. I don't own a NIV but should be able to get hold of one. I use the NWT most and the KJV when some people want.

    pm me when you are ready. I am free today and this coming Friday and hit and miss a few hours in between. Actually it might be easiest for me to give you my email addy as I don't frequent this site very often anymore.

    very much looking forward to our friendly exchange ... a Rose is a Rose is a Rose ....

  • Mary
    I would love to have our study now. I don't own a NIV but should be able to get hold of one. I use the NWT most and the KJV when some people want.

    I would love to be a fly on the wall for that study.

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