Picture of Rutherford and his Cadillac!--by request!

by Atlantis 11 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Atlantis

    Picture of Rutherford and his Cadillac!--by request! Request from researcher: There was a photo of some cars in the 2003 Awake that showed Rutherford standing by his Cadillac. Could you post a link for that if you have it? Thanks! My reply: Yes, I remember that picture and found it rather odd that out of all the pictures the Watchtower could have chosen for that article, they chose to display a picture of Rutherford standing beside his Cadillac! It would be best to have scans of the entire article so that you can get to full context of the subject matter. The scan you are looking for will be # 2 I will have it up for you in about an hour. Cheers! Atlantis! --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Awake-2003-January-8-pp.22-25 http://www.imagger.com/view/764721_scan-1-10001.jpg.html http://www.imagger.com/view/851902_scan-10001.jpg.html http://www.imagger.com/view/154074_scan-30001.jpg.html http://www.imagger.com/view/671968_scan-40001.jpg.html There are also some pictures of Rutherford and his Cadillac here. (scroll down) http://www.geocities.com/paulblizard/deed.html Cheers! Atlantis-

  • cabasilas

    Thanks, Atlantis! I'd never seen this before. Imagine, Awake! publishing a picture of Rutherford with his cadillac! Has that photo been published elsewhere? Can we tell what the building is behind him?

  • Atlantis


    Imagine, Awake! publishing a picture of Rutherford with his cadillac! Has that photo been published elsewhere? Can we tell what the building is behind him?

    Interesting question cabasilas! I am not sure what building that is behind Rutherford in that photo. And, I have not noticed that picture anywhere else except that 'Awake' article.

    Cheers! Atlantis-

  • cabasilas

    It's a brick building...obviously, a city picture. Could it be the old 124 Columbia Heights building (that was built in 1927)? Just a theory.

  • Atlantis


    Could it be the old 124 Columbia Heights building (that was built in 1927)? Just a theory.

    I guess it could be! Perhaps it is the front of the Winter Garden Theater where Rutherford watched burlesque!

    Cheers! Atlantis-

  • Cheetos

    What a Moron he was, and what idiots people can be to follow such a cone head.

  • jwfacts

    Thanks, that Awake picture is very well spotted. How strange for the article to discuss Ford producing a $240 car and then include Rutherford and his car worth 30 times as much.

  • JCanon

    Hmmm. This seems rather suspicious to me. I wonder if it's not some secretive Freemasonry subliminal connection? Russell and Rutherford were both reportedly Freemasons or connected with those secret societies, though I'm not aware that the Ford Corportation was. Who knows what else was going on. The WTS and Freemasons are big on subliminal messages and art displayed "in plain sight."


  • Atlantis





    Thank you all for your comments!

    Tweety picture no.0413

    Cheers! Atlantis-

  • Witness 007
    Witness 007

    I heard Clark Gable had a "Rutherford mobile" $$$$ while the pioneers had Peddle-bikes with trailers on them to live in.

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