Elders/friends praise me for my note taking at meetings.

by oompa 17 Replies latest jw friends

  • greendawn

    Well done you found a good way to beat the excruciating boredom of the ever repeated JW talks that have nothing of real substance to offer. You used your time constructively and outside the WTS themes.

  • Nathan Natas
    Nathan Natas

    Eclipse, that's a hilarious list of suggestions!

    Rather than NOT saying AMEN -- which would go virtually unnoticed -- I would like to issue a strong, confident and appropriately loud AMEN! before the prayer is finished. Then gather your things and leave your seat. Attendants would be conflicted about what to do: respect the prayer, or go after you.

  • eclipse
    I would like to issue a strong, confident and appropriately loud AMEN! before the prayer is finished. Then gather your things and leave your seat. Attendants would be conflicted about what to do: respect the prayer, or go after you.

    LOL! That would be a hilarious Youtube clip

  • BizzyBee
    Rather than NOT saying AMEN -- which would go virtually unnoticed -- I would like to issue a strong, confident and appropriately loud AMEN! before the prayer is finished.

    How about an AMEN AND HALLELUJAH!

  • oompa

    Faking service, wow. I know I knocked ever so lightly for years, and those door bells don't make any noise with the right light touch. I used to do street work, and in big cities, I bet that is the easiest to fake. We always went solo so that it did not intimidate people, so lets say you are by Herald Square at 32nd and Broad, and you tell the others you are going around the block. You could go into Macy's for hours and just shop, or next do0r at that vertical mall above where Toys R Us used to be. God I love to shop esp. in NY, and no I am not gay.

    not that there's anything wrong with that!......oompa

  • White Dove
    White Dove

    I used to sing in German and Spanish when everyone else was singing in English, but that was when I was deeply in the org.

  • SacrificialLoon

    When singing replace Jesus and/or Jehovah with Santa Claus. Man, that was fun.

  • Gregor

    Oompa, I used to try a similar ploy in order to catch a micro nap...pencil in one hand, notebook on my open bible...worked ok unless the whole lot slid off my lap onto the floor while I was still holding the pencil.


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