As I faded over the past year, I still went to some meetings each month, and my wife always likes to sit (pretty much alone) near the front of the hall. Although there in body, I could just not stand to keep listening so I decided to start writing a book. Action/adventure/suspence revolving around a worldwide effort to end Islamic extremist terrorism. Anyway, I start usinjg my old but nearly new notepad, and despite my sore ribs from my wifes elbow, I make progress.
But on Sundays especially, the speakers noticed I was very busy taking notes! And some others in the hall even told me how good in was to see me paying such good attention "when you are here!" I was obviously listening closely, of course when I heard pages flipping or a "please turn with me" I would flip a few pages in my good ol Reference Bible. Now that I think about how I have been perceived, I feel this is the same type of fraud as turning in "phantom" time at the end of the month.
what else can we fake?...oompa