"The brother paused and smiled at the audience after he delivered the punch line." That's the "Gotcha" look that some elders ahve perfected.
At the Specail Assambly Day
by Hermano 27 Replies latest jw friends
A little girl wanted to get baptized. Her father objected due to her young age. The little girl asked her Dad, "If armagedon comes and I am not baptised will I be saved?" The father upon hearing the girls reasoning decided to let her get baptised. And she will be doing that today.
lovely guilt induced coercion for the adolescents
A little girl wanted to get baptized. Her father objected due to her young age ...the father upon hearing the girls reasoning decided to let her get baptised
How come a little girl's allowed by her father to make such a serious decision that could affect her whole life? I bet he wouldn't allow her to be married at that age! She'll have to wait til she's passed the "bloom of youth"
can I ask what you mean by being a slave and now your free?
just wondering.
Thanks for filling us in Hermano. This is definitely an Assembly i'll be skipping.
Welcome! MyIrishEnergy!
Glad to see you here on the board.
tell the nice newbie what you meant, if you please.
Although any of us could point out the most obvious (not OBVES) meaning.
The Watchtower Society claims to be the one true channel that God is using, and if they are this would grant them immense power over people's lives.
Most of us were captives of this concept, 'God's Organization' being the WTS for much of our lives and were thus compelled to obey the WTS as they piled requirements on us as conditions for their, and thus God's, favor.
Understanding that they are NOT God's channel makes one free.
Knowing the truth about 'the truth' makes the WTS and their threats of what will happen to you at Armageddon completely irrelevant.
the truth about 'the truth' will set you free.
does that sum it up hermano?
Yeah don't believe the media,remember how they promoted the knocking crap hypocrites.
can I ask what you mean by being a slave and now your free?
Welcome myirishenergy!
Exactly what Rollerdave said. I really beleived they were the only organization being used by God to carry out his will on earth. Now I know they are just another human organization trying to promote their agenda.
AK - Jeff
Another gem was the baptismal talk. The brother told the following story: A little girl wanted to get baptized. Her father objected due to her young age. The little girl asked her Dad, "If armagedon comes and I am not baptised will I be saved?" The father upon hearing the girls reasoning decided to let her get baptised. And she will be doing that today. What a great way to encourage our children to draw close to our loving heavenly father, cause if you don't he'll kill you!
I think we will see more of this. They can't get many new recruits from outside nowadays, so this gets em trapped early. They can't leave and loose all the familly they have - just like a lot here. Bastards. Certainly they can't believe that God would actually expect people to decide this major decision at the age of 10 or under, can they?
Certainly they can't believe that God would actually expect people to decide this major decision at the age of 10 or under, can they?
Even and adult shouldn't have to commit under duress. And why would we serve a God who would kill a little girl just because she is not baptized? What the hell kind of sense does that make?