Okay, so the dead do not communicate with the living, right? So answer this for me.
My grandmother died in 2003 and besides being a pallbearer at her funeral, I have not gone back to her grave sight. So recently I planned to go back to my home town and felt the need to go to their grave (My grandfather died in 1988). I have often felt some need to visit the graves of my relatives in friends, as more holes have been filled with their bodies in my passing years of adulthood. Well, my grandmother kept appearing in my dreams and bringing up memories of a time where she nagged me to do something as a teen. At that time she was upset I was late in paying her back a $150 loan and would not stop until I did. So I was waking up irritated and feeling like I did back then and thinking she was such a nag. So when I got to my home town, I kept thinking about this time and decided to go see her, as you see I actually never paid her back. My parents got a divorce and life kind of went crazy and I think she forgot about it in the mayhem. So we go to the cemetary, and I walk to where I knew they were buried with some flowers and put them in a vase built in to their marker. When I notice, my grandmothers marker was never completed with her year of death. I think this is irritating, as she did prepay for her arrangements and would have wanted things complete.
So I contact my father a few days later and mention it to him. My father handled the arrangements and yet he hated his mother. So he tells me, in so many words, "Who cares!" I thought this was terrible and I contacted the funeral home and cemetary myself online to ask what I needed to do to get this done. Well I got an e-mail back stating this was never paid for, and should have been done when she died to complete the plaque and most likely my dad was told. So I asked, "How much?" They e-mailed back $150.
So is my grandmother speaking to me from beyond the grave and using an image from my past to get repaid now? Either way, I am taking care of this until it is done. I can afford the $150 now.
Your thoughts?