I'll leave that up to anyone who answers--feel free to define it in your answer.
Do you expect women in a marriage to be weak?
by John Doe 67 Replies latest jw friends
Define "weak"!
Thanks Cog...always adding reasoning to the pot. Or skillit as it may be tonight.
LOL!!@ sparky...OUTLAW
cognizant dissident
"Weak" is sort of a subjective term. Weak as compared to who or what? I don't know if I'm weak or not, but I'm pretty sure I can take out John Doe with or without a skillet if need be!
John Doe
Well, since there don't seem to be any venturous souls aboard tonight, I'll toss out a few definitions. Being weak can mean many things: physically weak, mentally weak by displaying "excessive" emotions, playing strengths down to make the guy feel like more than he is, submissive, non assertive. Pick any of these and analyze their role in the female half of marriage.
cognizant dissident
I've got a better idea. Why don't we analyze your thread topic and discuss why it is weak. Or why don't we discuss all the weak attributes of men that tick us women off. Any takers?
Weak can mean a lot of things to a lot of people and well before I go to bed...again seeing I am up and down tonight, let me say that I am weak and strong depending on the day. I am strong in so many ways. So strong I want to just smack myself in the head with a skillet for taking it all on all the time. But I do cry. I tend to need hugs and kisses. I will wear myself out to a frazzle and sometimes obsess over the smallest things.
I want to be strong in a lot of places and weaker in one place. But that is kinda personal..lol
Is that expected? Not from every woman. AND...
It is a my option to change my mind on that option also. Right?
So the best I can answer that question you pose is that yes it can be expected that as a human and not just a woman human that there are days I wil be weak AND days I will be strong. I will be stronger than the other and I will be weaker than the other and some days faster and some days slower. More right and more wrong. I will be better or worse and fair and not and if the other person has it in him he will still love me as I will him and we will keep working at it no matter what and remember as humans some days one trait will shine brighter than the other and it is all good. (Even when it is not so good) That is what makes it all so delicious!
John Doe
Feel free cog, I've got no aversion to hijacking and I'll cast no aspersions. ;-)
John Doe
By the way guys, this thread is a spinoff to the one "do you expect men to be strong in marriage," or something like that. Take it as seriously, or not, as you will.
cognizant dissident
Beautifully written Sparky!
In a good marriage, as in any close friendship, we cover each others human weaknesses and frailties. It has nothing to do with male and female. When you are weak, then I am strong for both of us. When I am weak, then you are strong for both of us. Crying, hugs, kisses, emotions, these are not weakness. These are our strength and our crown of beauty as women and men!
Cog (take that JD! hits J.D. with skillet and runs!)