You're supposed to empty them?
Do you expect women in a marriage to be weak?
by John Doe 67 Replies latest jw friends
you guys are gross
John Doe
Sheesh, I'll tell you, this thread just goes to prove than women aren't reasonable. Start a serious thread asking what people's perceptions are regarding women, and then get accused of playing with blow up dolls and being gross. ;-)
Too true Square Head.
You started a serious thread?
this thread just goes to prove that women aren't reasonable.
That's a generalization about women, JD.
it is equal to someone saying all men like blow-up dolls..
John Doe
You think? lol
John Doe
How about this one? All women love to ask if their hips look fat because they want to fly off the handle and they need justification for being in a bad mood.
that's a perfect example, jd
ALL men pass gas and have burping contests to see which burp was the loudest and grossest smelling
they have spitting contests to see who can spit their loogie the farthest.
they wear pants way too small, (or their ass is too flat to hold up said pants) to show off their butt cracks
and they have an average IQ of 72 and think that knowing sports scores/teams/players makes them smart.
Well, it's been fun--gotta go slop the hogs!