Both this creepy man & his creepy attorney look like idiots. A teenaged girl willingly had sex with this overweight, balding man? Sorry, I don't buy it. If it was so willing, why is she complaining now?
Statutory Rape laws do not look at the intent of the victim. Why? The crime happens due to the older person wielding his power over the young. The adult's power over the child is like 'taking candy from a baby' in the laws' eyes. Plus, the adult is supposed to be responsible, and able to direct the relationship....even when the girl is 'googly eyed'.
Here, we have a church elder answering a sheparding call, as requested by the girl's family and his church. This elder was put into a position of trust, and an agent of the Watchtower Society. When he abused his authority, he's liable & the Watchtower Society is also liable. This girl was vulnerable, in a vulnerable emotional state, and this creep took advantage of her vulnerability. Why was he there? The church placed him ther. What did he do with that power? Instead of giving a good witness to this girl, he raped her...emotionally, spiritually, and physically. It's very plain & simple.
Haven't we all heard that Tom Jones' song, "Go away little girl." Apparently, this elder did not hear that song.
This excuse of 'the girl was a flirt' just does not cut it with the public. It may work within the JW religion, where women are seen as Bethsheba & temptresses... but the Canadian public is just too smart for it.
Lock your doors Canada. The JW elders want your little girls, and your little kids lives via the blood doctrine. Suffer the Silent Lamb.