The broadest definition of Armageddon is the final end of all evil. That makes allowance for mankind to end evil permanently. This can be accomplished either by destroying the whole population, or it can be done peacefully by removing from power all that insist on creating problems where none needed to exist solely to protect their jobs and power.
If those in power were removed who abuse it, and people were put in power that would fix the mess that we are in, we would see the end of wickedness. Those who persist in it would simply be laughed out of existence. And the free market, along with science that no longer has to cater to regulations, can produce and distribute products that will solve all our problems. Diseases get cured, not just managed. We get a new source of energy that doesn't pollute or run out. People are stimulated at work, so they don't need their fix of drugs and alcohol. Products grow cheaper (just look at what happened to computers: the computer I am using here cost less than one that was only 64K did in 1985). And the average person gets rich.
If this happens, there is no need for crime. Why steal something you can make for less work? Why rob someone for a fix of drugs when you get a better high creating something of value? So-called kick crimes disappear as the real thrills come from solving problems with finality or creating new dimensions of existence. There goes most common wickedness--forever. As for those who would abuse the power: They end up getting disfellowshipped from society until they create value for society, effectively eliminating that problem (they would have to actually create value to be reinstated; that would also stop them from ever again usurping power). And, with all the motives for evil gone, Armageddon could happen with no loss of life!
Of course, this is one definition you will not find in the Watchtower publications. They believe that God will destroy anyone who does not fully accept all his doctrines as per the Watchtower Society. All that does is creates a society that is stagnant, afraid of ever thinking outside the box for fear of getting destroyed. You noe have all the boredom and stagnation you see now, but without the kicks (some of which are actually harmless, like going to the amusement park). I cannot see how anyone would want to live forever in such a world. And, since stagnation will still be here, so will its associated suffering. And evil will have survived; Armageddon, by its truest definition will not have happened even among the horrible loss of life.
Jehovah God,