David, Good Luck on the surgery. I've had that same surgery a couple of years ago, too. The recovery is not fun, but, in my case it was worth it. I also had a nasal 'obstruction' of some kind way up high near where the 'sense of smell' organ is located. After the surgery ------ whew ---- that nostril changed from a hiking trail ...to a turnpike ! It actually took some time to get used to the 'cold' feel of the air flowing so well.
I also had a CPAP machine for a while after a sleep study. I was stopping breathing 40 times an hour ! But, it was an obstruction in my throat.
To Horrible Life...."No." The CPAP machines are not comfortable in any way, shape or form. They are Evil. You feel & sound like Darth Vader -- with a cold. But, you'll sleep throughout the night and feel rested in the morning , if you need one.
Good luck again, Else !
P.S. Ask your Doc about a "Neti Pot" (no...it's not a potent ganja) for cleansing your sinuses post-op. I've started using one a few weeks ago, daily for my allergies. It works better than anything I've ever used.