No. Because women are not 'things' to be used and neither are men.
Imagine how abhorrent we all find the FACT that people in Thailand think nothing of selling their daughters to brothels.
Think of the abuse and mental and physical torture these girls go through.
Imagine their lives wrecked. And this is legal. Even if it isn't legal, no one can stop it.
Now imagine all those little girls you see playing in the school yard.
What job do you want to do, Jenny when you grow up?
Jenny: My Mum and Dad say that I could be a prostitute as they make a lot of money and I can support the whole family.
So Jenny, who could have been a great nurse, doctor, teacher, librarian, accountant, artist, becomes a 'thing' instead of a person.
And you think this should be legal?
There would be outrage if people suggested selling off their sons as prostitutes, but hey! Girls and women don't really count, do they?
Should prostitution become legal, a woman who became unemployed would be forced by the state into prostitution.
Would a man be forced into prostitution in the same position?
So, degrading people to their lowest and basest potential is a good way to destroy society and excellent way to degrade civillisation.
But, if you've got an 'itch' and you need to scratch it, that's fine.
Prostitutes are victims.
They are either victims of abuse from childhood, victims of poor education, or victims of drug addiction and worse, trafficked and enslaved.
Men need to ask if they want to go down the road where there wife, daughter, sister, mother should become an object of 'itch scratching' for some other bloke.
Then, men need to ask, do they want their little son to be a prostitute to satisfy a man's lust.
Men need to ask, do they want their own asses rented out, after all, it could be legal.
Then, we might get a good result on whether society really does want to go down the road of legalising prostitution.
Perhaps all the guys out there happily 'using' prostitutes need to ask themselves, 'if there is a next life, what if I come back as this poor young girl that I'm using right now?'
Perhaps that would cause a limp reaction.