should prostitution be legalized?

by John Doe 90 Replies latest jw friends

  • John Doe
    John Doe
    If ones truly think that prostitution should be legal and accepted, than I assume it would be okay with them if 'their' sisters or daughters volunteered for the job. Or would it have to be 'other' people's daughters or sisters!

    It should be everyone's choice whether to engage in prostitution or not, and yes my sisters and other female family members are included in that. While it would not be my choice of career for my sisters (they have many other talents that can be put to use), I would support them if they chose to do so. But then you see, I don't see sex as degrading.

  • Burger Time
    Burger Time

    Gayle-If ones truly think that prostitution should be legal and accepted, than I assume it would be okay with them if 'their' sisters or daughters volunteered for the job. Or would it have to be 'other' people's daughters or sisters!

    Gayle that is emotional blackmail. It's the same thing the org does when they say, "your kids will die if do not get them into the truth". Also some people are OK WITH THEIR SISTERS/MOTHERS/DAUGHTERS/SONS/DADS BEING PROSTITUTES sorry not everyone has your morals. I work in the Adult Entertainment Industry and I know personally of some porn stars whose family does not object at all in what they do. This is legalized prostitution. Likewise in your eyes I perpetuate this yet my family who are JW's don't even care. There attitude is it is my life. I would get more flak for taking a job with Philip Morris then I would ever get doing what I do. So ummm yea if it were legal and well regulated I would not guilt people in to excepting my morals.

  • sweetstuff

    I have done certain tasks that my wife either cannot do herself or just does not want to. Each time I am "paid" but not with money. Who's the prostitute? We have a very happy healthy sex life but I get "bonuses" for taking on extra jobs. Who is using who? What if neither party feels used? You can have a business deal with both parties benefiting. My wife was even told by a therapist that those little "business" transactions" can be a healthy part of a marriage as long as there are no power plays or manipulation involved.

    Brent, I am totally not jumping on you, but don't you think this statement is a bit of an oximoron? I get paid to do things she doesn't want to do with sex. I get "bonuses"? The therapist tells your wife its healthy as long as there are no power plays or manipulation. Umm, isn't getting a bonus for cleaning out the trash a form of manipulation? IMO a healthy sex life is one where both parties want to willing jump each other's bones, not due to anything the other did for them, rather out of simple desire. I have a good friend of mine a while back tell me that her husband told her she could buy a certain thing if she "did" a certain thing he wanted. I was disgusted, instead of him saying looking I really like this, would you mind doing it? It was, well if you want your way, you have to do this for me. Sorry I see that as warped and a power play.

  • Dorktacular

    Sex with your partner should never be a reward for what they buy you. Maybe I am totally alone on this, I don't think so, but, sex should be something you want to give each other, out of desire and hopefully love, not do this and you'll get it mister or vice versa. Sounds like the barter system to me.

    As a man, I totally agree with this, but unfortunately, most women do not. It's sad, but true. Just talk to the guys you work with and see how this is a fact of life for many of them. Too many women use sex as a negotiation tool. My wife has been guilty of it from time to time, but she's really not that bad compared to some previous relationships I've had. When she does that kind of thing to me, I try to do the same thing to her so she can experience how stupid and silly it sounds comming from me. (Besides, I'm kinda twisted, and I like to get on my wife's nerves by imitating things she does). If you have to trade goods and/or services with your spouse in exchange for sex, aren't they really a prostitute? What's the difference? You're right, sweetstuff. It should be different. It should be about love and about wanting to please your partner, not about personal gain or as a reward for stuff they buy you.

  • Gregor

    Tyrone says "...Degredation can be seen as a state of mind. If one allows the stigmas of society to ruin their phyche, then they will suffer from low self esteem. If this were veiwed as a legitimate job and legalized, there should be no reason for someone to walk away feeling degraded."

    Wow. Now there is a slippery moral slope. I don't think degredation is always just a state of mind. If a man who has once held a high paying, white collar job finds himself having to clean toilets in the bus station in order to eat feels degraded then I think he should try to change his perspective. When John Waters paid Devine to eat a fresh, warm dog turd for his film, she/he (Devine) always maintained it was no big deal and didn't feel degraded by it. I think he should have tried to change his perspective. There is more to degredation than stigmas of society.

  • BrentR

    As I mentioned we have a perfectly healthy normal sex life (20 years) and neither of us feels used or manipulated. There is a big difference between extortion and coercion vs. a mutually agreed favor/trade. Now I do know some couples that dueo thier extreme immaturity and other issues they have yet to work out that it would be very toxic and controlling.

    With us it's a game with rules dictated by love and respect. I have changed the oil on her car many times and got a big hug and a thank you and That's fine. And then a few days later sometimes she will ambush me and say something like "And now about that oil change.........." with a very devious smile. Keeping a marriage together for two decades requires alot of creativity and exploration. The minute I might feel PW'd then I have no problem saying no.

  • sweetstuff

    As I mentioned we have a perfectly healthy normal sex life (20 years) and neither of us feels used or manipulated. There is a big difference between extortion and coercion vs. a mutually agreed favor/trade. Now I do know some couples that dueo thier extreme immaturity and other issues they have yet to work out that it would be very toxic and controlling.

    With us it's a game with rules dictated by love and respect. I have changed the oil on her car many times and got a big hug and a thank you and That's fine. And then a few days later sometimes she will ambush me and say something like "And now about that oil change.........." with a very devious smile. Keeping a marriage together for two decades requires alot of creativity and exploration. The minute I might feel PW'd then I have no problem saying no.

    Hey, if it works for both of you and no one feels used, more power to you Brent.

  • sweetstuff

    As a man, I totally agree with this, but unfortunately, most women do not. It's sad, but true. Just talk to the guys you work with and see how this is a fact of life for many of them. Too many women use sex as a negotiation tool. My wife has been guilty of it from time to time, but she's really not that bad compared to some previous relationships I've had. When she does that kind of thing to me, I try to do the same thing to her so she can experience how stupid and silly it sounds comming from me. (Besides, I'm kinda twisted, and I like to get on my wife's nerves by imitating things she does). If you have to trade goods and/or services with your spouse in exchange for sex, aren't they really a prostitute? What's the difference? You're right, sweetstuff. It should be different. It should be about love and about wanting to please your partner, not about personal gain or as a reward for stuff they buy you.

    Ok, Dork, sigh, again, most women, is a gross overgeneralization. Some women, perhaps, not MOST. If I said most men don't have a clue how to really please a woman in bed, they think they know, but they have no freaking idea, would that not be a gross generalization?

  • bigwilly
    Ok, Dork, sigh, again, most women, is a gross overgeneralization. Some women, perhaps, not MOST. If I said most men don't have a clue how to really please a woman in bed, they think they know, but they have no freaking idea, would that not be a gross generalization?

    I'd need to see your statistical support, preferable with video documentation

  • Burger Time
    Burger Time

    I don't think it would be a gross generalization sweetstuff. Most men do not know how to please women but claim to know.

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