Here are some scans of books published by E. C. Henninges and R. B. Henninges (Rose Ball Henninges) 1912 The Parables of Our Lord -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1928 Bible Talks For Heart and Mind (First edition in 1909) This book has its own Chart Of The Ages inside the front cover ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1920 Daniel The Prophet We have a lot of their booklets and tracts also! Cheers! Atlantis-
Found= Rose Ball's Bible Students group! Still going in Australia 2007!
by Witness 007 19 Replies latest watchtower scandals
Witness 007
Russell and his wife did not get along at all, and he did walk Rose home from Bethel to avoid Bethel brothers. To me it seems very suspect.
Doug Mason
Yes these descendants of Henninges still meet, and I have been in email contact with them.
They are very cautious, so I do not know what success I will have.
Doug Mason -
Witness 007
Yes I've E-mailed them twice with no why do the have an "enquires" mailbox then. Very secretive group, they don't like Witnesses snooping around.
Funny..we had a Rose Ball in our congregation ( in Missouri) in the 50's I believe she also died in the 50's or early 60's.
She was quite popular in the congregation money wise...hummmmmm...
Ah let brother Russell be judged by Jehovah and not by humans. I think he falls under the ransom provision of Christ too.
Well, that's fine for HIM wherever he wound up, but we are left here with his legacy and are judged by it all the time.
I know that if I locked myself in a room with a girl, there is no doubt what the presumption would be in the JW's eyes.
Yet this guy is considered lilly-white and the best thing since miracle wheat.
I think I just threw up in my mouth a little.
This is intereting information about her father:
Charles Taze Russell?
Claims have been made that "Pastor" Russell (1852/02/16 -1916/10/31), founder of the International Bible Students Association — forerunner of the Jehovah ’ s Witnesses — was a freemason; that the banner on the front of early issues of the Watchtower contained masonic symbols; and that Russell ’ s gravestone bears a masonic cross and crown symbol.Russell was not a freemason. Neither the symbols found in the Watchtower nor the cross and crown symbol are exclusively masonic. And the cross and crown symbol does not appear on his gravestone in the Rosemont United Cemetery, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania — it appears on a memorial erected some years later.
In an address delivered in a San Francisco masonic hall in 1913, Russell made positive use of masonic imagery by saying, "Now, I am a free and accepted mason. I trust we all are. But not just after the style of our masonic brethren." He further develops this idea: "true Bible believers may or may not belong to the masonic fraternity, but they are all masons of the highest order, since they are being fashioned, chiselled and polished by the Almighty to be used as living stones in the Temple Built Without Hands. They are free from sin, and therefore accepted by the God of Heaven as fit stones for the heavenly Temple." Later in this address, Russell stated quite clearly that "I have never been a mason." Those who claim Russell was a freemason quote this address out of context without noting the rhetorical imagery.
Although Russell wrote about the pyramids and the Knights Templar, the pyramids are not a part of Freemasonry and Russell ’ s understanding of the relationship between the modern Knights Templar and Freemasonry displays an outsider ’ s ignorance of both organizations.
Sarah Smiles
I believe Charles T. Russell was a Freemason! I believe the language in his sermon speaks loudly Freemasonary! One thing I do not know is why a Freemason lodge? Can anyone rent a mason lodge? In my viewpoint, during a certain time period the illumanatti were part of Freemasons and they did not have to register lodge members like all Freemasons. That is why Charles Taze Russell has never been registered. Some illumantti survived with the mason like hiding out. I believe Russell was a relative of the Russell who started the Skull and Bones! who gained their wealth in the opium trade. Russell probably did not get much money from his father's tailoring company! but that is just the JDUBS blowing smoke up everyone asses! But Charlies uncle, Charles Tays Russell was one of the richest real estate owner in New York, and the Russell were richer and more powerful than the Rothchilds!
In order, to be a 3rd or 33 degree mason, one must start a business! and write about it then report back his findings. I think Charles was a success with his church and convincing people about his Chart of the ages! Many 33rd degree mason started churches that nothing new. So, the Bible Student was Russell's business and the writing were his studies in the scriptures. They were both steps in order to become (33 degree) 3rd degree mason. Did you think Russell was going to fail with his uncle training him? One thing I found out about Masons is that when one wants that honor, they must go out a start a business and write something. The writing does not have to make any sense only to the mason who did the writings. If it were not for Russell's name Charles Taze Russell would have been just another quack! In fact that is what the majority of people called him a quackier! I did research in Freemason and Skull and Bones as well and Illumantii enough to convince me that he was not a Freemason but an Illumanttii. If it looks like a mason it is a mason! At one time the Freemason's were just labors but somewhere along the line it changed. I found their bible interesting! like the Solomon's Temple! and Jehovah's name. The language is similar to the JDUBs.
One cannot be a consecrated Bible Student and be a member of an idolatrous organization that claims enlightenment from another source.,