JW's do not accept blood transfusions. The Bible tell us to "abstain" from blood. The FDS has interpreted "abstain" to mean refrain from ingesting blood by any means. We can, however, accept itsy bitsy bits of blood called "fractions" and still somehow be abstaining in the stikctest sense. This can not be proven logically, but that does not matter, as JW's are not encouraged to use their brain for thinking.
Say that from the platform and tell us how it goes.
#4 Talk on Tues Sept 25 - Blood
by still_in74 43 Replies latest watchtower bible
While true Christains may not take whole blood, they may take any of a number of blood fractions that the Faithful and Discreet Slave has determined through their communications with those who have been resurrected to heaven (as seen in the vision given to John by JesusChrist.) This concession on the Creator's part in no way negates the validity or force of the blood ban; it is merely a mercy shown to those who have a weak faith in his promises of a resurrection. Those with a strong faith need no such concession, and therefore refuse all blood products for themselves and their children. By doing so they receive a reward now, that of a clean and sterling conscience before God, and may go to Hades confident that their memory will be etched securely into God's perfect brain.
I guess if you do give the talk ....Zack's post might be the way to go. His delivery might get some thinking, of course their will be those who swallow hook, line and sinker.
Can you put the emphasis on what is allowed instead of what isn't allowed (even though the title does)?
Maybe it would do jws some good to have a little education about what they're allowed to do and why. They are so confused after all the flip flops.
You know where I'm going with this--blood fractions. Maybe you could read all the past litter-ature that said blood fractions were allowed. There is also the issue of serums and vaccines. http://www.ajwrb.org/watchtower/quotes.shtml; http://www.quotes-watchtower.co.uk/blood.html; http://www.watchtowerinformationservice.org/index.php/watchtower_quotes/medical-science/blood/
1 pet peeve of mine is that jws claim hemophilia factor is now allowed because it's synthetic OR because the manufacturing process is different. NOT TRUE. Some of these medications are synthetic but many are not, and the blood-based ones are made with a similar manufacturing process as they have been for decades (except they add pasteurization to the process, which doesn't affect the fact that they're made of blood cells).
Truth: Hemophilia was technically approved in the litter-ature circa 1971 but prohibited in talks, assemblies, and the grapevine.
I wouldn't even mention the times they said these things were prohibited, just read scriptures and literature quotes that say it's ok. Plus mention that hemophilia factor has been made the same way for decades and has had the wt stamp of approval for that long too.
Please share your transcript with us, for entertainment purposes! -
...and all this time I thought you were a woman! -
why not tell the real truth of what it means about eating blood?
This law of not eating blood was given to help raise spiritual awareness of neathanderthal man.
The eating of blood was because people were insensitive about the way they killed animals.
It created torture to eat an animal alive.
This scripture could be applied to Geeks used in sideshows who would eat live animals without killing them first.
In modern times it would apply to Green Berets who must bite the heads off live chickens as part of iniation.
The old testament laws were given in the dawn of mans existence as a guide to help them develop as a rational, feeling human and help them to develop a conscience of right and wrong.
also, in today's world, it is a ritual among young hunters when they kill a deer for the first time, they slit the throat and drink the blood as part of iniation ritual.
This type of savagery and disregard for life and assuming that "lesser" life forms have no feeling is what this scripture is all about.
Talk about that!
in today's world, it is a ritual among young hunters when they kill a deer for the first time, they slit the throat and drink the blood as part of iniation ritual
Whaaaa???? I never drank the blood of my first deer or EVER heard of anyone else doing that!
I haven't been to a meeting for so long, I don't know what books they are using any more. Is this talk out of the Reasoning book? What page number?
True Christian Witnesses of Jehovah will not accept blood transfusions but Jews will.
You probably are wondering why Jews who still try and keep all 613 laws of the original covenant between God and Abraham see no conflict with accepting blood transfusions. It would seem logical that Jews today would abstain from blood transfusions seeing as how they abstain from eating blood by still observing their Kosher dietary laws. After all, Jehovah established the law to "not eat blood" and gave it to the Jews. Interestingly, even the most Orthodox of Jews will accept blood transfusions in order to save a life. In their opinion, this is not a violation of God's command to not eat blood. It all boils down to this : blood is food only , if it is eaten. All the blood transfusions in the world will not keep a starving man alive, but a transfusion of glucose and special proteins will be utilized as food in the body. Blood, you see is only a means to transport nutrients in the body, not a food that is consumed by our metabolic process.
When it comes to the admonition given to Christians to abstain from blood it is should be up to each individuals conscience to decide just what "abstain from blood" means. In the context of Hebrew Christians, it would have likely been understood to mean to abtain from eating blood. What is important to consider is the sanctity of human life. Did not even Jesus say it was OK to rescue an sheep that had fallen into a well on the Sabbath- breaking the Sabbath law against work in order to save the life of an animal? I wonder, how much more precious to Jehovah is the life of a Human? It behooves every person to make the right choice in regards blood transfusions and obediance to God's law. Have we understood the true meaning of the words Jesus spoke in Matt. 9:13, to go and learn what this means, “I want mercy, not sacrifice. ...
more later- add your own NWT Bible verses -
Can you put the emphasis on what is allowed instead of what isn't allowed (even though the title does)?
Maybe it would do jws some good to have a little education about what they're allowed to do and why. They are so confused after all the flip flops.I agree with Rebel 8. So many JW's still haven't figured out the changes. I would emphasize that it is a "loving provision" of the FDS that we can now take blood fractions as long as we don't take whole blood.