Avengers, I agree 1976, The first year of the New World Order was very good.
I think Jehober let things deteriate again.
by LtCmd.Lore 15 Replies latest jw friends
Avengers, I agree 1976, The first year of the New World Order was very good.
I think Jehober let things deteriate again.
I'm with Gopher, I want to go to 1935. See the technology and watch the tower crumble!
"Millions now living will never die", I'd like to hear what their explantion will be to that one
Bringen, my guess would be when 2035 comes that the wactower will come out with an article telling how the faithful and discreet slave was infiltrated by the evil slave and disceminated false information which lead Millions away from Jehover and they are now dead. Never to live again.
So, it would seem that nobody here actually would prefer to live before 1914...
Has anyone ever asked a JW this? I'd like to hear their answer!
The WT taught that the millennium began in 1914 "the millennial age" so everything would start to get better.
Hence the magazine the "Golden Age" - printed to show how the rule of Christ was gradually making things better since 1914.
So the Borg yet again contradicts its own teachings when claiming that things are getting worse after1914.
Nothing gets you out of the Witlesses better than reading their own BS.
Uh, I think I'll stay where I am. Thanks
I remember being struck by that point watching a doco on one of the Pharoah's with a tooth growing up into his skull and incisions into his skull to relieve the pain. Even a king in past times could not enjoy life the poorest person now enjoys by the simple fact that we have asprin and dentists.
Good point.
It wasn't so very long ago that tooth decay was a leading cause of death.