Answers in Genesis shows me how far people are prepared to go to try and justify some of things in the bible.
Classic subjects they have covered are, (on topic) Dragons really existed, yes including fire breathing ones!, that the T-Rex probably breathed fire, and the list goes on.
Another things with Answers in Genesis, is that references are often so misquoted, and simple by finding their reference claims, you can see how they twist the truth and take items out of context.
( Jack) As far as the coal seams under the arctic ( and i not sure if JCannon meant those) that still doesn't show a global flood. I agree 100% that the arctic climate has been every different over the course of time.
Back to the flood thing, i can remember being on a JW's tour of the history museum down in London, and the guide (being a witness) stated that the size of the history museum was about the same size as the ark, and said, look how easy it would have been to fit every kind of animal in. Of course he failed to see (or accept) that a wooden structure of that size
1. Can't float
2, wouldn't hold enough food for the animals
3. 8 people on an ark couldn't have maintained that many animals
4. with the description of the ark, methane would have killed everyone one board
5. all 8 people on board who have had to been carrying all the known virus today, flu, cold, etc etc
And finally the ice cores of Greenland show NO traces of a flood event in the last 40,000 years.
Of course you could always invoke and miracle at every stumbling block. :-)