How to stump someone that believes the noah's flood happened.

by 5go 61 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • zack

    The whole point of the flood was so God could rid the world of the ungodly and preserve alive the godly, right? Then if he did it BACK THEN, why the hell didn't the "issue" of his universal soveriegnty end up as resolved? FINITO. Either it never happened or, if you follow the beleiver's God-logic, destroying an entire ancient world just didn't satisfy God--- only the destruction

    of a modern and much more populated world could prove his goodness, love, and almightiness.

    To me, and I am a believer in God, all this Bible stuff is wholly incompatible with a being capable of creating every other thing both animate and inanimate. It smells of legend and the tools of fear used by men to rule other men with that fear.

    The more I actually STUDY the Bible, the more UNBELIEVABLE it becomes.

  • LtCmd.Lore

    Let me summarize a few common sense reasons that the global flood story is false.

    Every single one of these KILLS the flood myth:

    1: The Egyptians, Sumerians and Chinese, to name a few, lived right through it.

    2: Either all freshwater fish, or all saltwater fish would have died. (Actually it would have been so insanely muddy that almost ALL fish should have died.)

    3: Australia, Hawaii and every island on the planet should be totally devoid of animals that can't swim or fly.

    4: There is no known way to build a seafaring ark that big out of just wood and tar.

    5: Animals have special needs. Koalas for example eat only eucalypt leaves. Silkworms eat nothing but mulberry leaves.

    6: Plants have special needs. Sure SOME plants may have been able to survive, like coconuts. But most plants are pretty delicate. How did venus fly traps survive for a year submerged in saltwater? The wouldn't have. The very existence of Lillies or Roses disproves the flood.

    (They would have to somehow survive 40 days of constant torrential rain, then a whole YEAR of being submerged in dirty water, then somehow re-root themselves, and then be lucky enough to have one of the only living bee's or flying insect on the planet pollenate them before they died.) But not just once, this would have to happen to EVERY type of flower in existance.

    7: There are MILLIONS of different species of animals. They would not fit on that ark. The only excuse is that 'kinds' is a much broader term and thus the millions of species alive today EVOLVED from those few thousand kinds. This requires an EXTREMELY rapid burst of evolution...

    8: The great barrier reef would have been decimated.

    9: There are forests of trees that survived the flood.

    10: There's no evidence for it!

    That's enough for now.

    Lore - W.W.S.D?

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