May you all have peace!
Someone asked me to provide further clarification of the things I posted earlier. I have been granted to do so and say to all with “ears” that what I share here is not mine: it is what I received from my Lord, the Holy One of Israel, JAHESHUA MISCHAJAH… who gave it to me FREELY… and so I share it with you… freely. Please pardon my quotations, capitals, etc. They are purely for emphasis: I am not yelling; indeed, I have never in my life raised my voice (my voice doesn’t do that; if anything, it’ll go hoarse first). It’s just that I truly want those with ears to hear to GET it. So, I apologize in advance if it appears that I am being… ummmm… loud, forceful, etc. Truly, I am not.
First, I have to say it is hard to grasp the idea that God is a dragon! I read the description of God in Ezekiel, and I do not find it to match. From Ez. 1:26ff:
I can understand that. I almost had a heart attack when I saw my Lord for the first time! It took me several more weeks before I could take another appearance, and he had to prepare me even then! Let’s just say that I totally understood why Daniel lost his bodily functions and fainted! But let’s look at Ezekiel 1:26:
Above the expanse over their heads was what looked like a throne of sapphire, and high above on the throne was a figure **like that of a man**. [not like a lizard or dragon or serpent]
Well, no, they’re not lizards… which have four legs. But dragons… have two legs. So that, by “like a man” (vs. “a figure OF a man”), Ezekiel meant two-legged. Think: is Satan a lizard? No. But he is referred to as “the… Dragon,” yes? Now, I understand that when you read the word “man”… you think of humans. However, humans are only one kind of man - “earthling” man… or “ad-ham.” JAH and Christ are also men; however, they are not earthly men, but SPIRIT men. So, what Ezekiel saw was a being that stood upright, on two legs (vs. some kind of creature that goes about on all fours). They are two-legged beings, but of a reptilian-like species.
I saw that from what appeared to be his waist up he looked like glowing metal, as if full of fire, and that from there down he looked like fire; and brilliant light surrounded him. 28 Like the appearance of a rainbow in the clouds on a rainy day, so was the radiance around him. This was the appearance of the likeness of the ***glory*** of the LORD. When I saw it, I fell facedown, and I heard the voice of one speaking.
This is the “fiery” part I mentioned. Notice, waist up, “like glowing metal as if full of fire…” and “from there down…he looked like fire.” The appearance of the four living creatures of Ezekial 1:13 is described as: “… like burning coals of fire.” Trust me: they are “fiery.” Truly.
In other words, words to describe lizards/serpents are available, but were not used.
Lizards, no, but serpents, yes. They are not lizards… or just mere serpents. They are seraphs, which are “fiery flying flesh-eating serpents.” A serpent… is not merely a snake or a lizard. However, a snake is a serpent. To help you understand, a dog is not merely a wolf or a coyote; however, a wolf is a dog. Serpent is not a genus… it is species.
I believe that the glory of angels, their various ranks, to be terrifying in their power and beauty, but not as lizard-men.
Angels do not have glory. They can reflect GOD’s glory, if permitted, but they have none of their own. Two examples of this “reflecting” would be the angel in the furnace with Daniel and the three boys and the angel that appeared in my Lord’s tomb. This is one of the ways that angels can be seen by humans (reflecting God’s glory); the other is for the angel to “put on” flesh (as they did with Lot). They can also manifest themselves by occupying living creatures (i.e., plants, animals, humans)
As for power, their power is relative: while it USED to have some ability in the spirit realm (i.e., when they battled), it has none in this realm. Never has. Even Satan had to get permission to work on Job. The ones who still have such power (i.e., those still in the spirit realm NEVER abuse that power; those who did abuse it had it removed, which is why they were cast out).
This really sounds sci-fi,
I agree, it does. I tried to give a depiction by referring to gargoyles, which are not lizards, and which are almost the closest I can come. But they’re not quite it, either. The BEST I can do is ask you if you ever watch “Star Trek” and if so, are you familiar with the Jem’Hadar? While they do not look exactly like that either (as I said, they are MAGNIFICENT, vs. the Jem’Hadar, which are just, well, a kinda common figment of the human imagination), that’s about the closest I can come to describing them in this realm (there are “Gremlins,” too… but, again, they fall short). “Reptilian”… but “men”. But since there really is nothing like them on earth, there really is nothing on earth that I can point you to.
and I think it would help if you clarified further what you mean. I think one problem is how limited our language is, because words never have been able to describe the glory and splendor of the spiritual realm.
This is absolutely true! The things I have seen!! Omigosh! That’s why Paul, when describing John’s “visit” to the spirit realm, said he (John) had seen things that could not be uttered. I totally agree. I try to explain it in the best way I can, and I do speak truthfully. It is because of our physical limitations, however, that we have difficulty PERCEIVING it. When JAH had Moses build the Ark of the Covenant… and the tabernacle… Moses wasn’t replicating an actual artifacts. With the ark/box; he was replicating the Womb of the Woman… the center of the universe… Christ and the “angels that were covering” – Michael and Satan – and what is was they were covering: the Womb of the Woman (the Ark)… and its contents (her Seed, us).
The tabernacle was also us, along with God and Christ:
The Most Holy = JAH
INSIDE the Most Holy = the place where the Ark (Womb of the Woman, the spirit realm “Sarah”) lies
The Holy = Christ (the One THROUGH whom we must go in order to enter before the MOST Holy)
The High Priest, the ONLY one who could enter into the Most Holy = Christ (the only One who could enter the MOST Holy)
The Sons of Aaron = The Apostles
The Levite, but Non-Aaron Priests = The Holy Ones, the Anointed/Chosen, excluding the Apostles, but including the 144,000 “from among the sons of Israel” AND… the “great crowd out of EVERY nation, tribe, tongue and people”…
The Courtyard of Israel = The literal nation of Israel, Abraham’s TRUE seed by means of his blood
The Courtyard of Women = Faithful non-Israelite women (i.e., Rahab, the Phonecian woman, the Samaritan woman, etc.)
The Courtyard of the Gentiles = The sheep who are not Israelites, but who receive “white robes” due to their treatment of Christ’s brothers (Israel)
Outside = The goats, those who treated Christ’s brothers poorly, Gog… and the angels reserved for destruction… Magog
(Or the terrors of the evil spiritual realm)
There is no terror of the “evil spiritual realm”. The spirit realm has been CLEANSED of all evil. The evil… is here… in the physical realm (“Woe, to you, earth, for the Devil has come down to you!”)
Do you mean to say that the Holy City is the USA??
(Smiling) No, not at ALL! I meant that the Holy City is “us” (I capitalized for emphasis, sorry!)… we who make up the Body of Christ. WE are the “house” that Christ is building, which is to be occupied by God’s holy spirit (which is how God “becomes all… IN all”). That is why Christ said, “In my Father’s house there are MANY abodes (dwelling places; places for God’s spirit to dwell). Christ is the Cornerstone, the Apostles are the Foundation, the Prophets and others are Pillars… and we are “living” stones. And since the “stones” include a great crowd which NO man is able to number, there are, indeed, MANY abodes.
That sounds like a real stretch of interpretation. Rev. says that the hordes will come against the camp of God's people, the city that He loves.
Yes. We will come under attack. Literally. By the time this takes place, however, there will no longer be the separation between that which is spiritual and that which is physical. My Lord would have returned some 1,000 years before, at which time “every eye [saw] him.” By this time, we will see those being “gathered” for the Great War. Literally.
This sounds like the world's people are completely polarized--for or against God. And at that point ALL those who are evil are at last destroyed for good.
Sort of, but the war is not between us and them. It is between them… and JAH. You see, ALL of those who are evil, Gog and Magog, are misled by Satan into believing that they can “conquer” us… the Holy City… and through us gain access to the Tree of Life, my Lord… and “eat” from him. Why eat? So that they can live forever (vs. being destroyed, which is their destiny): truly, he IS the Bread of Life. Satan fools these into thinking that they can take us… conquer us… and through US… gain access to the Christ. But JAH will NOT let that happen: HE is the one that wages HIS war… the War of the Great Day of God Almighty… against them… at the place called “Har-Mageddon,” meaning, just OUTSIDE the “City” (i.e., before they can come against and conquer us).
You cautioned me that my directing folks to my Lord “sounds like the reasonings of the Mormons, nearly, and you say that you believe in prayer, and hope all people may ask of God for guidance and wisdom.
I am not sure how it sounds like Mormon reasonings: I do not follow the Nephilim, one of whom Mormons DO claim to follow. These are rebellers against God, those who forsake their natural dwelling place when JAH first gave them access to this realm, and so I do not listen to them. As for prayer, I believe in it also; however, I know that, with limited exceptions, it is to be done in private and NOT “before men” (giving thanks, however, can always be done before men… or in one’s heart)… AND… it MUST be through His Son… in order for God to hear it. One cannot get into the Most Holy… without going through the Holy. The Temple is set up that way, right? Only the High Priest can enter into the Most Holy… which JAH is. Right?
but in what way are you expecting that we would be answered by God here? A burning bosom, ala the Mormons? Or a burning bush?
No, no “burning” anything. All of those “physical” manifestations went away when the physical being that is my Lord “went away.” He is a SPIRIT now… and he SPEAKS to OUR SPIRIT… BY SPIRIT. That is why we must worship God WITH SPIRIT. And God answers us through His Son, Christ, who speaks to us from the kingdom of the heavens, literally, which is NOT some far off place in outer space… but is in our “midst”… INSIDE us… IF God and Christ DWELL in us.
Thus, if you want to hear God, you must approach… THROUGH His Son… and ASK for entry… while standing before the “Ark” of YOUR covenant with God… your HEART. It is in your HEART that you hold the “ratification” of your covenant with God. And it is from ABOVE the “Ark” of YOUR covenant with him… above YOUR heart… that HE speaks to YOU... THROUGH the High Priest, His Son, JAHESHUA MISCHAJAH. It only on very rare (VERY rare) occasions that one would hear the Most Holy of Israel Himself speak. Virtually ALWAYS… it is His Son… His WORD… that you will hear speak.
We keep trying to approach God through our flesh… which cannot be done. Flesh… with IT’S blood… cannot enter into the kingdom of the heavens. We must TRANSCEND the flesh and use our SPIRIT to communicate, and receive communication.
That God would give a similar experience/vision as yours?
The experience would be similar to mine, if not exactly. Mine is very similar that those before me, including the Prophets. And I am not alone. There are many of us. I am just more outspoken than most. It is because I am more “foolish,” true, but my foolishness has an explanation:
My Lord is recorded to have given a parable about two men who owed a king some money. One owed 50 denarii, the other 50,000 denarii. My Lord asked, “The king forgave both men their debt to him. Which one do you believe loved him more?” The answer was, the one he forgave the most, of course. I am the one he forgave the most. My debt was great, I know this… and yet, he forgave me. And no, this was not in the abstract: we literally discussed it, in detail. And I was SET FREE. Totally free. Meaning, I have no condemnation... because there is nothing hidden. All has been revealed... and forgiven. So, I can now live… and love. Without fear. Without guilt. Love even my “enemies.” Even people that “they” said I shouldn’t love. Perhaps even some YOU would say I shouldn’t love. I have no guilt. My conscience is clean. Completely. I can stand before the throne of God…AND ALL CREATION… without shame… because there is nothing hidden. Whatever “wrong” WAS there… has already been dealt with. Whatever “wrong” may come up… can be dealt with in the same way.
As a result, unlike some, I have absolutely NO problem sharing with you what I receive from him… regardless of HOW “foolish” I look to you or anyone else. I don’t CARE what “earthling” man thinks: he can’t save his own life… what can he do for me?! But there is One that can give me life… indeed, has given me life… and I follow him. Wherever he goes. And he is the same One that Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Moses, the Prophets and the Apostles followed. That all of these appear to say the same thing(s)… or see the same thing(s)… or almost.
That Biblical passages would now clearly support what you say?
There are Bible passages that support what I share, for those who need that, as well as other writings NOT in the Bible that do so.
Or are you believing that God will do whatever He knows best for answering, but you don't know exactly how?
I know exactly how. God will not “do whatever He knows best” for answering: IF He answers, it will be through His Son, the Word. Always. Without exception.
These are sincere questions.
Absolutely. I totally got that.
It might be good to add another post and clarify these points on the thread.
Hopefully, that has happened here. If you still have questions, I will answer what I can, if I can. I would tell you, however, that if you REALLY want to know the truth… about ALL things… just go TO the Truth. Ask the Father to send him to you. Ask the Father to grant you His Holy Spirit... which Spirit will "lead you into ALL truth." Ask… in FAITH. Do not doubt. He will not withhold it from you. And what you will see and hear... I cannot relate to you, as there truly is nothing in this world that would suffice as a description.
I bid you peace.
A slave of Christ,