I almost had a heart attack when I saw my Lord for the first time!
Any questions?
by AGuest 29 Replies latest jw friends
I almost had a heart attack when I saw my Lord for the first time!
Any questions?
Seeing and reading..seeing your lord and reading a book that you say came from him. What does your lord have to say about all the other religions in the world and what book of the many others should we read and when will he appear to all of us?
I say stop all this secret coded stuff and show yourself plainly. Isn't that what Jesus did for Thomas, why not the rest of us?
I believe the Allman brothers did a song about the beginning of this thread. "Lord I was born a rambling man".
Sounds good to me. How do I join up?
May you all have peace!
First, not a dragon in the sense that earthling man depicts dragons (those are actually “caricatures,” created from a mindset of total disrespect for those who are spirits and exploited by the Adversary to mislead even the chosen ones). I point you (again) to gargoyles and their purpose… as well as to the teachings and beliefs of the Chinese (that two “dragons” are the “guardians” of Paradise), who have GREAT respect for dragons. Unfortunately, these depict dragons as animals… which has led to the very interesting “western” interpretation of the Chinese year symbols (i.e., that all except one is an animal; the one exclusion – the dragon – is “mythical”). Before you conclude that I am in error, I would suggest you read up on the origin of the dragon in the Chinese culture… and perhaps you will be able to progress from there. I truly hope so. Now, then...
Dearest AlphaO… peace to you!
I am glad that you didn’t “feel” shouted at. Perhaps my disclaimer helped with that? I have used it from time to time… and got ridiculed for doing so, so I stopped. Truly, however, although there are some who perceive my “tone” as shouting or angry, that really is NOT the case. I simply write (or type – LOL!) with emphasis. As to your question:
“If Adam was made in God's image, why is Adam not a reptillian? Or do you understand "made in God's image" to have a spiritual meaning?”
I would say to you that it had both a spiritual and physical meaning, and that not only was Adam reptilian… but so are we… INSIDE the vessel that we occupy. We are all "serpents." If you recall, after his sin Adam was given “a long garment of skin.” Yes, I know… MANY translate this to mean that Adam and Eve were given some kind of animal skin to cover the nakedness of their flesh. Nakedness, as in how we look without clothing. That is NOT what occurred, not at all.
What occurred is that Adam was created in image… and looked like all other spirit beings: reptilian… and transparent (yes, they are fiery… and transparent). Because they are transparent, there are two things of importance to note:
1. They can only MANIFEST in THIS realm by either (1) reflecting God’s glory OR (2) “putting on” flesh like ours. Otherwise, they cannot be seen in this realm. That’s why WE… can’t SEE them… UNLESS they become MANIFEST. In the SPIRIT realm, they are seen because EVERYTHING in that realm reflects God’s glory… GOD’s light. This light comes directly from God and is conducted to EVERYTHING in the spirit realm… through Christ… the “light that came into [this] world.”
2. They can hide nothing. NOTHING. They cannot lie. They cannot deceive. All that is IN them… in visible. Unlike… US.
Adam had this same image… and when he sinned, what was IN him became MANIFEST… to HIM. He was… “naked and exposed.” Now, what was IN him was always visible to God, Christ and the angels. It is why Satan KNEW what to use: Adam’s DESIRE… and Eve’s… were not HIDDEN. When Adam saw his… uncleanness… his INTERNAL uncleanness… he couldn’t handle it… and he THOUGHT that if he “covered” it… with leaves… it would no longer be manifest… apparent. But… that didn’t work, did it? In spite of his trying to hide… God KNEW what he had done… because Adam’s error was now MANIFEST.
Out of MERCY for Adam, however, God gave him “a long garment of skin”… flesh with it’s blood (vs. flesh with God’s holy spirit as its blood, which is was Adam was created with)… to HIDE what was IN Adam… sin.
WE… are made in ADAM’s image… AFTER he sinned… and AFTER he received the “long garment of skin.” As a result, WE our born with OUR ‘nakedness”… the uncleanness inside US… hidden. But hidden… only from angels… and other humans. It is NOT hidden from God… or Christ.
And THAT’s the problem with us: we THINK we can go through life with all kinds of crap in us… fooling one another… putting on the APPEARANCE that we “have no sin” in us. We think we can do, say, and think awful things… and because we never MANIFEST them to others… that such things are not really in us. That… is a LIE. Christ tried to tell us that when he said that it is what comes OUT of a man that defiles him. And when he told the Pharisees to cleanse the INSIDE of the cup (the vessel that is our flesh, the container for our spirit!)… before cleansing the OUTSIDE.
What is going to occur is that one day, the “lights” are going to come on… in a spiritual sense. Meaning, we will ALL have the flesh put off so that only spirit remains… NAKED and EXPOSED. And what is IN us… will be exposed as well. We won’t have the “long garment of skin” to cover us. Imagine: you are before ALL creation… and ALL of the “dirt” that is IN you is out there… for ALL to see. Everyone. Those you love… and those you “hate.” You can’t hide.
But it does not have to be that way: you can (1) “clothe” yourself… your SPIRIT… with love. For love… “covers” a multitude of transgressions. And for those transgressions that love DOESN’T cover… there is (2) the blood of Christ. HIS blood… can “wash” your SPIRIT and cleanse it of its sin! By means of it, your sins can be BLOTTED OUT.
Again, I have confessed to all here, openly and honestly, I am a foremost sinner. THAT is why I follow him, because HE has cleansed me… so that I can stand before ALL creation… with my sins… covered… blotted out. It is not because I am special; it is because when the “lights” come on, when my flesh has been “put off”… and I am standing “naked and exposed,” there will be NOTHING to see. I have nothing to HIDE. From ANYONE, including God. For my Lord stands between me… and my errors. How can I not follow him? Who else can do that for me?!
Ellderwho asked:
“Any questions?”
I ask: whom are you addressing?
Blueblades wrote:
“Seeing your lord and reading a book that you say came from him.”
You are in error, dear Blueblades: I have never said such a thing. (Can someone bring dear Blueblades up to speed?)
He/she also asked:
What does your lord have to say about all the other religions in the world and what book of the many others should we read and when will he appear to all of us?
Regarding “all the other religions in the world,” he says the same thing: they are ALL “false lights” designed by our Adversary, who keeps transforming himself into an “angel of light,” and uses these to mislead, if possible, even the chosen ones… the “children of light.” The children of light are seeking the TRUE Light; however, Satan has set up a plethora of false ones… ones that look “like” the true Light… similar… but are not him.
I have previously used the example of the children’s movie, “A Bug’s Life.” There, as they were flying across a patio which had a buglight, one bug yells to the other, “Louie! Louie! DON’T LOOK A THE LIGHT!” Louie, however, hypnotized by the “glory” of the buglight, sleepily flies closer, saying, “I can’t HELP it; it’s BEAUTIFUL!” Of course, he gets zapped!
That buglight… is religion. All of them. Some are bright blue, some are pale yellow… whathaveyou. ALL of them LOOK like the True Light… but none of them are. THEY… are designed to draw us in… and KILL us… spiritually! Some of us, however, as we got closer to those “lights” went, “Hey, wait a minute, there’s something wrong about the “tinge” of that particular light. No, I’m NOT going to look at it; I am going to go around it (or pull back from it), and continue my search for the TRUE Light.” If we DO that… we will find him…. because we will be found BY him.
Those who belong to him know that ONCE THEY HAVE BEEN WASHED... they are to remain as VIRGINS... clean... no longer "touching the unclean thing." They are not to continue their spiritual "adultery," but remain true to their "husbandly owner," the One who set them free from the "law" of their previous masters/husbands. SPIRITUAL virgins... not literal ones.
He/she also asked:
I say stop all this secret coded stuff and show yourself plainly. Isn't that what Jesus did for Thomas, why not the rest of us?
Because you have not asked to see him… at least, not “as he really is.” You want to see someone “human,” with perfect flesh, tall, muscular, in some cases with blonde hair and blues eyes! You want to see someone who looks… like YOU. Like a HUMAN! That's what you're looking... and that's why you can't see him. Let me ask you: do you recall hearing that God said earthling man could not see Him… and LIVE? Well, this is true: as I told you, I ALMOST had a heart attack when I saw my Lord. I was not exaggerating. Not… at… all.
WE… earthling man… have created an “image” of God… well, okay, Christ… that looks like US! He does NOT look like us, not at all! True, when he came to RESIDE among us… he looked like us – and heck, folks had a hard time with what he looked like THEN (i.e., very small, tiny even, leperous, diseased…). They REJECTED him… because of what he LOOKED like. Can you IMAGINE what earthling man would do if he showed himself just… well… because?! I will tell you what they WILL do when he does: they will cry for the mountains to fall over them. Some might even be so arrogant to bring out missiles or something! Not that these would have any affect.
The TRUTH… is that they are NOT human… and they do not LOOK human. WE… are human. WE… look like the FIRST human… Adam… and NOT like God. Christ LOOKED human… because he came here THROUGH a human… Mary… a woman of flesh… with IT’S blood.
You have been lied to. You have been told that what is “good” (dragons) are “bad,” and what is “bad” (human flesh, with its sinful blood that holds in it disease, aging and death)… is “good.” We LIKE those who look like us. If “we” are white, we prefer white. If “we” are black, we prefer black. If “we” are yellow, we prefer yellow. If we are HUMAN (earthling man), we prefer that which looks like earthling man. Why? Because… WE see what is on the OUTSIDE… versus what is on the INSIDE. “We” don’t care if you’re evil inside, so long as you LOOK GOOD.
They appeared to us in a manner we could handle. Out of mercy… and love… for us. "We", couldn't HANDLE the "truth." "We," however… are in for a BIG surprise. Total astonishment. Truly. And that astonishment… was prophesied.
Again, I bid you all peace (even you, Ellderwho… for I have not kept account of the injury)
A slave of Christ,
I believe you are very sincere.
Usted es loco.
Shelby..Like I said Girl..You are a trip!..LOL!!..What made you come to the conclusion we are reptilian?..I see no evidence of that..........Vernon Williams..Yes,Shelby is sincere..She tells it,like she see`s it.....I may not see things the same way as her.And..She understands that.....There is something to be said for honesty and understanding...OUTLAW
This is my first interaction with Shelby......I am sorta.....well.....kinda......
(Ya know what I mean????)