You have to admit the JWS are great salesmen are they not, when it comes to selling their lot
Which reminds me the organization was started be a professional saleman......ummmmm nah just a coincidence
by AK - Jeff 22 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
You have to admit the JWS are great salesmen are they not, when it comes to selling their lot
Which reminds me the organization was started be a professional saleman......ummmmm nah just a coincidence
their arrogance is still as thick as ever, I don't know if I notice it more now than I did before while I was still under the WT spell, but I remember clearly that any time someone in the congregation lost a loved one the first question most brothers would ask is "was he baptised" or "was she studying" as if that is the person's only chance of being acceptable to God. so before they even attempt to console the bereaved they have to determine weather the lost one is "worth resurrecting". if the deceased was not interested in studying theres always an awkward silence and then a reference to God resurrecting both the righteous and unrighteous "so you never know". this was always painfully sickening to me even as a child when I was gung ho about "the truth". their arrogance leads to their paranoia too, I was always told that because I'm a JW that the world automatically hates me, every one that knew me at school never made any fun of me because of my religion (now that I think about it I don't think they could have cared any less) on the contrary a times they would ask question out of curiosity but that was the end of it. I think many of the young JWs with poor social skills use this idea that they are hated by the world to explain why people don't like being around them, I personally didn't have a problem getting along with people in or outside of the organization but I knew many who did. I blame this on that arrogant sometimes unspoken JW belief that they are God's chosen people and then combine that with the constant unworthy feeling they can't avoid because there's no human who can live up to WT standards.
What's funny is to talk to some one who has no particular connection to JW's. Dubs think they're the center of the universe, but nobody else thinks about them AT ALL.
If you ask the ordinary man-in-the-street what do JW's believe. They will usually say "No blood, No Birthday/Christmas, and they knock on doors." they are the main ones people know, and maybe a couple of other things.
So after approx 130 years of distributing millions of pieces of literature, decades of going from door to door, assemblies, conventions etc. The above is about the sum total that most persons know about JW beliefs, even in the Western world.
They also say that "Christendom" is scared of them, that the clergy are afraid of them. I've yet to come across a clergyman who gives them any thought. Most ministers are to busy running their own churches to bother about even thinking about JW's.
The only time I hear people at work mention JW's is when they have called on a Saturday or Sunday morning and woken them up. And that doesn't happen all that often these days either.