Banned Religion

by faundy 17 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • faundy

    One of the teachings of the witnesses is that prophetically, it has been revealed that religion will be banned shortly, and that this is another sign of the great tribulation. Assuming the other prophecies were a load of hoodlum, how would you feel if you turned on the news this morning and saw that Bush, Brown, and other world leaders declared a united front, banning religion? Would it make you wonder whether the witnesses may have been right?

  • JWdaughter

    No, I would know they are still full of BS. Even a monkey can get things right given enough chances.

  • jwfacts


    This has been on the cards for decades. Every now and again a country bans religion, such as under communism, but it proves nothing. The WTS does not have Gods backing, something very simple to prove. (i.e. James Hendersen being promoted an elder several times whilst a notorious paedophile, changing doctrines such as the generation.) It has made numerous false prophecy (1915, 1925 etc); so what if it gets one correct?

    The question is a common one put to me by JWs, and quite meaningless. It is a bit like the other one, "if Jehovah does start Armageddon tomorrow, would you overcome your pride and come back to him?" It is an irrelevant question. Even if Armageddon was to happen, the WTS is not backed by Jehovah, so there is zero percent chance that he would require people to join the Watchtower Society simply to be saved.

    In regards to whether a global ban on religion will ever happen, of course it will not happen over night. However, I hope the influence of religion will reduce globally, but it will only happen gradually and over time due to education .

  • dedpoet

    Not at all.

    The jws have made so many prophecies - they've predicted the date for armageddon
    on at least 5 occasions - and obviously none have come to fruition. It's therefore
    obvious that their bible interpretations are down to guesswork rather than the inside
    information that they claim to have as god's channel - a claim made by several other
    apocalyptic cults. Even people who rely on guesswork can get it right occasionally.

    Apart from that, all religion wouldn't be banned anyway, though some of it may have
    restrictions imposed on it, and rightly IMHO. Even today, some of the more extreme
    cults, in particular those who tend to target young people, aren't welcome on many college
    or university campuses in the western world. You could say that they are already banned
    in some areas.

    Personally, I don't believe in god at all. I was an atheist by the time I left the watchtower
    in 1999 - that's why I left, so I don't give bible prophecy any credence anyway. I do however
    acknowledge that I may be wrong, but I can't see the watxhtower being the religion that
    proves that.

  • Enjoying freedom
    Enjoying freedom

    I wouldn't see it as proof of anything other than the authorities realising that the emotional blackmail and intolerance practiced by many religions/cults is not healthy or wise in todays society.

    If someone wants to practice a religion that is entirely up to them. If they want to go to church every week - fine. As long as it leaves their family/relationships intact.

    But when that religion demands that ex believers are shunned and demands that members allow their children to die for want of a blood transfusion - that is abuse and quite rightly should be removed.

  • Junction-Guy

    No, it wouldnt prove anything to me. I believe that during the time of the AntiChrist, the New World Order will most likely ban religion, or at least most of Christianity.

    Here is another way to look at it. If something is prophesied, and it comes true, does that make the messenger a true prophet of God? Not necessarily, especially if the messenger had its dirty hands involved with it from the beginning.

    What if the Watchtower was involved with the political elements, and they all were working to rid the world of religion?

  • nvrgnbk
    In regards to whether a global ban on religion will ever happen, of course it will not happen over night. However, I hope the influence of religion will reduce globally, but it will only happen gradually and over time due to education .

    It's therefore
    obvious that their bible interpretations are down to guesswork rather than the inside
    information that they claim to have as god's channel - a claim made by several other
    apocalyptic cults. Even people who rely on guesswork can get it right occasionally.

  • Witness 007
    Witness 007

    Since th fall of comunism religion has increased around the world! {especially these countries} Banning religion around the world would be impossible to do. Think of the Islamic/Jewish countries are they going to ban it? Buddists/hindu countries? America is still religious George Bush is a church go-er. This is a rediculous dream it will never happen. Why would they do it especially in democratic countries?

  • greendawn

    The dubs were counting on the communists to do this and indeed they had the right frame of mind to carry it out. But it was communism that collapsed not religion. Religion seems to be going as strong and unthreatened as ever. It even experienced a resurgence in ex communist lands.

    If this did happen despite being very unlikely I would also expect to see the WTS swept away like all other religions because they are among the most manipulative and exploitative among them.

  • IP_SEC

    Banning the big "R" is far from impossible. The United States is already a mini fascism. It could not happen yet as all of the Junction Guys out there would pick up arms and overthrow the gov. I hate religion, but I would fight along side them. I hate oppressive gov more than religion.

    No religion will not end with a bang. It will end with a whimper. Science and reason will dominate more and more.


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