Well I just got back from the hospital. Dad's blood count is slowly rising. Today it was at 56, which is still dangerously low but it seems to be going in the right direction now (up). The HLC has vanished like fog on a summer's morning now that they're convinced the "no blood" rule is not going to be challenged. They never said a prayer with dad, or from what I can tell, did anything resembling support for him or any of us. Their sole purpose was to ensure he didn't accept anything on the 'banned' list, and to make sure the doctors weren't going to try and force the issue.
Thanks soooo much brothers, for your loving support for a faithful brother who nearly died thanks to the GB's insane readings into obsure passages in the bible. I hope you all go to Hell in a handbag.
Funny thing is that two of my 'postate' friends who know dad quite well have already been up to see him in the hospital but no one from the Hall has been---not even the PO. No surprise there.
Thanks so much for your support on here. I told my other non-Dub sister about this board and she's thinking of joining. She's quite disgusted with the Witnesses at this point, and after we talked about the 'no blood' crap, she's really disgusted that they would rather see someone die rather than accept an available procedure.
Dad's probably still going to be in the hospital for a while....they don't let you out till your hemoglobin's up around 120 but I'm being cautiously optimistic here......