I never gave too much thought to the subliminal messages that seem to appear in the Watchtower Organizations publications. Some, I will admit seem to be done on purpose. I am not sure what it is all about. But.....long story short: I found in my front door a new track they are passing out. It is titled: "A PEACEFUL NEW WORLD WILL IT COME?" There is the typical paradise picture of the world after Armegeddon. Immediately what grab my eye was the large rock amongst the flowers center bottom of the tract. It is a distinct head of a snake or ram/goat with it's ears back in the flower bed. It is so plain that it jumps right out at you. Has anyone noticed that? gold
A new Subliminal Message?
by gold_morning 10 Replies latest jw experiences
Wow, that's an old tract. According to what I see on Wikipedia, this came out in 1992.
What shape was the tract in? They can't still be printing new copies of this, can they? Maybe a JW got it out of a corner of their closet full of old magazines and tracts!!
I don't put much stock in subliminality, but if you or someone could post a scan of this it'd be interesting.
I haven't seen this one, but it doesn't surprise me. I did a lot of research in to this and there are definitely subliminal images in the literature. The theme is always Rams, heads and occult symbols. What purpose they serve I don't know, if anyone can enlighten me as to the reasons or rationale behind these images I would like to know.
Revelation Book Page 52
Looks like an innocent picture of Jesus, Look closer....
I'm so sorry....I don't have a scanner.
I have been looking somethings up and found these two links. Some of these images are really frightful. I don't get it. I found someother websites showing many more images.
I'm not sure why it was in my door. I would assume it was the typical...."not home so leave something"
It says 1991 Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania. All rights reserved (printed in Canada)
I've been out of the organization for sometime. I have read about this stuff before, but I was amazed how this jumped out at me. If you have the tract you will clearly see it.
HMMMM the link in my last post didn't come out. Here it is again
I have no idea why the link won't copy and paste. I see it when I paste it in my post!! I'm puzzled.
Try this link and it is the first link you see
JWD bitching forum ?
How NICE to see you posting! I was just thinking about you!
I have seen a LOT of what I classify as "hokey" images in many of the publications I have read or had to study. I tossed out most of my WTS literature when I decided to leave. I figured I had been "making room" for it all over the house for 30 years and needed a break from seeing it everywhere. I don't have a lot of the things that seem to have the most of these hokey images in them, but they DO look strange---not necessarily demonic. Just weird and awkwardly drawn.
I recall one that was in a red "study" book that had a drawing of a woman in a hideous plaid skirt, sitting in chair near a lamp table. The table had a picture of a ram/goat in a frame.......which I always wondered how many folks keep a framed photo of a GOAT on their tables?
Like I said----hokey.
Their is a thread about these subliminal messages on the TOPIX:JEHOVAH'S WITNESSES forum with the usual naysayers and those saying we must be on medication if we see these images, blah-blah-blah, and I don't see a good deal of them as some do....but I HAVE seen enough to say there IS something going on and that SOMEBODY is inserting this stuff into the publications right past the noses of the GB. I have seen far too many just to keep blowing them off as "mistakes" or coincidences.
(Are you going down to PA for the WNFJ convention?)
edited to add: http://www.topix.net/forum/who/jehovahs-witnesses/TT95B1L356QIB5AAK
Hi annie,
so great to hear from you. I had my room and really wanted to go. I have a wonderful friend who lives in Florida. She has had surgery and is coming to see me for two weeks. Can you believe....52 weeks in a year and it falls on the time of the WNFJ convention. I really want to be there for her as she will have a cast on her arm.
This whole subliminal thing. I don't know. I have seen lots of weird stuff in their prints when I did some research on it. Some can't be denied. What puzzles me more is that I am sure the Organization knows all about the accusations over this and you would think they would check and double check their artwork.
I think it is scary stuff.