I'm giving birth...

by Nosferatu 25 Replies latest jw friends

  • Nosferatu

    ...to my very first kidney stone! Man does it ever suck. The dizzyness is pissing me off. I had to leave work yesterday because of it. Hell, I thought I was catching a cold or something. I eventually had to goto the hospital. I was singing to my wife:

    There's blood in my urine,
    There's pus in it too,
    I got gonorrhea,
    I got it from you.

    I thought it was amusing. She didn't. :)

    They gave me my first CT scan. That was pretty interesting. Then, the pain got bad. They gave me my first shot of morphine. That was fun!

    But seriously, I can't wait until I'm done giving birth to my 4mm bundle of joy.

  • ex-nj-jw

    Passing a kidney stone is the closest thing a man will ever do to giving birth! I wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy, well, may the GB at Bethel they should have a few.

    Hope you feel better, drink plenty of fluids, and good luck.


  • Life Is Grand
    Life Is Grand

    Oh, you poor thing. A couple of years ago my husband's boss called me from his work and said he was rushing hubby to the hospital-he was in excruciating pain in his abdomen area and they didn't know what was wrong. He couldn't even talk it hurt so much.

    I thought his appendix had burst or something-I was terrified. I rushed to meet them at the hospital, and it ended up being a kidney stone. He was on major pain medication and said it was the worst pain he had ever experienced.

    After a couple of days, once it had broken up and passed, he was fine-but it was one experience he said he wouldn't wish on anyone!

    Take care of yourself...and remember---this too shall pass(sorry, couldn't resist).


  • Tara

    Poor thing. I am so sorry. Kidney stones are extremely painful, but, having experienced both, don't come anywhere close to childbirth and is definitely noy as rewarding. LOL.

  • sweetstuff

    Ouch not fun, could be worse though, could be a 10 pound baby. Keep that in mind, lol.

  • Es

    Ohhh ouch, my dad had one of them about 10 years ago, I can still hear his moaning to this day. His was pretty bad but he did pass it. All the best


  • Scully

    only 4mm? I'm sure your wife has loads of sympathy for you. HA!

    Ask them for an epidural... it's worth a try. Morphine is good though, as long as it doesn't make you puke. Did you get an indomethacin suppository - that usually works really well too. It's one of the standard treatments for kidney stone pain.

    Mr Scully has had kidney stones too. He was in excrutiating pain. They gave him the suppository, but I told him afterward it was because he was being such a whiny pain in the @$$, so they were just dishing it back to him.

  • megsmomma

    Owwwwwwwww.....I hope all goes smooth and the pain ends quick. My husband had one too....but, he didn't know till he heard the "ping" of it passing. He was hurting lots though.

  • JK666

    OUCH! Enjoy the opiates.

    I like the poem, how loving.


    Get well soon!

  • Gopher

    Ouch, Nosferatu.

    I've had kidney stones, as a side effect of all the anti-inflammatories I've been taking the last 20 years.

    Last time I had them on both left & right sides, and had to have surgery right quick or else the resulting blockage could have been fatal.

    The pain is so intense, good you got the morphine. Best wishes on your "delivery".

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