It's informational and it doesn't have R&B music! When you see how horrible my bedroom looks, it might make you ill!! But the truth is stranger than fiction!
My new menopause video
by MsMcDucket 14 Replies latest watchtower medical
Every stinking thing was nailed to a tee. The hot sweats are the worst and make me meaner than a snake. Last night I woke up 8 times sweating like a foot ball player in full practice in Florida. The temp in the house was 70 degrees.
My Husband says at night he can feel the heat coming off of me. I throw the very thin blanket off, to cool off and then get cold. Then get hot again. Cold, hot, cold, hot, cold, hot. In between I am taking dogs out, stress about various things, and then in between have horrible dreams.
During the day I am exhausted due to lack of straight sleep, and have to lay down just to get strenghth to do the next task....Needless to say I come across as a very lazy wife...but I'm NOT...damn it!
Cold, hot, cold, hot, cold, hot
That's me and my husband's mantra! If he complains about it being too cold, I'll get up and go and sleep in the twin's bedroom. He doesn't like that, but I don't like for him to be cold. When he see's what you wrote, I guarantee you that it will make him smile! Not because it's funny, but because it's what we say everyday! Hang in there!
Thanks MsD. for your post and answer.
Apparently there are not enough here going through the big M. to contribute to this topic.
I have been suffering for at least 2 years, and my husband I am sure feels he has been suffering longer
We don't have the option of someone leaving the bedroom so we keep it cold here at night, and I've found a light weight blanket to flip on and off as needed.....No heavy weight comforters in this bedroom!
I wash the sheets and pillows every other day, but that is due to our huge Doberman dogs that like to lollygag in our bed during daylight hours.
They wake me up at 6am no matter how much sleep I have had and demand to be fed and let out. Afterwards they sleep most of the morning.......I would love to do the same but can't!!!
Right there with y'all and I hate it!! Don quai usually works pretty well for me, but not here lately. After I get cold, then I go and curl up in a real tight ball and get a crick in my neck. So then I've got one of those bitch headaches for the next day or so. Not only did we get to birth those babies and have pms, now this. (Am I ranting?)
Great video, Ms Mc!
Once in true menopause (not peri-), took about 5-6 years. Now, hot flashes are only occasional - still sucks 'cause you've used up all the sympathy....Jehovah hates wimmen, sure to Jeezuss.....
choosing life
Hilarious video. and so true. I must be in the 15 year group cause I done passed the 5 year one. Why are women so cursed?
estrogen patches. thank you Lord.
Add me to the list. My hubby also says he can feel the heat coming off of me , my question is why the hell do you keep putting the blanket on me then?
I'm so tired in the morning because I didn't sleep well that I have to make myself get up, shower and get to work, then I'm grumpy all day. The I come home and it all starts over again.
And I thought cramps were the worst!
My wife (age 42) was diagnosed with early menopause and dealt with many of the symptoms. Then she had a kidney stone and blood tests revealed she had hypercalcemia (high calcium) not menopause. After some extensive imaging they found a benign tumor on one of her parathyroid glands. That was removed and her calcium has slowly stabilized over the summer. Now her gallblader is full of calcified stones and it is comming out in two weeks.
If the hypercalcemia was correctly diagnosed and she was not blown off by her original doctor two years of suffering could have been prevented. Always question your doctor because my wife found out that alot of menopause like symptoms are incorrectly diagnosed and most people end up with a kidney stone(s) before anyone thinks about testing for calcium. My wife had over twenty of them, all but one of them passed on thier own.
All of the menopause treatments she was doing had no effect and she was slowly going out of her mind.