Lets get a recipe topic going for Thanks Giving and Christmas....

by restrangled 20 Replies latest jw friends

  • restrangled

    I know its early, but so many of us were denied the thrill of the holidays for so many years, I think most of us on JWD tend to look forward to holidays more than the average person. The weather finally changed today here in Florida, and everyone I talk to is thinking about the holidays which inspired me to start this thread....

    So lets get your favorite dish or dishes you are willing to share. This gives everyone time to try it and add to their menus. I will add more as time goes on.

    Mine is lettuce and pea salad. (I know, sounds boring...but is a winner every time)

    1 head lettuce chopped

    1 package frozen baby peas thawed and drained.

    8 strips bacon fried until very crisp

    1 sweet onion chopped finely

    1 head cauliflower chopped into bite sized pieces. (no stems)

    In a large deep bowl, layer lettuce, peas, onion, and cauliflower sprinkle 2 PACKAGES of dry Hidden Valley Ranch dressing mix over. Then cover with a good quality mayonaise. It may take most of a large jar. Seal the mayonaise to the edge and cover tightly. *Should be about 3/4 to an inch this of mayo. Let marinate over night. Before serving, crumble the bacon and toss all about 10 to 20 minutes before serving.

    Yummy and addictive but does not do well for left overs. Gets too soggy.


  • Sunspot

    Hi Restrangled!

    I started a thread about Christmas a few weeks ago....but my ideas were mainly on decorationing and ideas for decorations on a budget! I was thinking about beginning another thread JUST for recipes.....but hadn't gotten around to doing it! So I am happy you have begun this one!

    I LOVE the "gifts in a jar" ideas, so start saving your jars NOW! Here's a link:


    You can GOOGLE "jar gifts" and find several MORE websites!



  • sweetstuff

    Broccoli and Chedder Salad:

    I head of broccoli cut into small florets.

    1 cup sharp shredded chedder

    10 pieces crispy fried bacon, crumbled.

    1 small onion, finely chopped.

    1 cup of Miracle Whip

    1/2 teaspoon of white vinegar, 1/2 teaspoon of balsamic vinegar

    Salt and pepper to taste.

    Mix the Miracle Whip with vinegar, dress the broccoli, chedder, bacon and onion with the mixture. Simple but yummy!

  • ex-nj-jw

    Baked macaroni and Cheese:

    1 box of elbow macaroni

    1 block of cracker barrell extra sharp cheddar cheese

    1 block of mozzorella cheese (sp?)

    1 block of colby/jack cheese

    1 can of evaporated milk

    2 eggs

    1/2 stick butter

    While macaroni is boiling, shred all the above cheese place in separate containers or on separate plates. Beat the two eggs and 1 can of milk until well blended and none of the egg can be seen.

    Drain macaroni in a collander, place back in pot. At the butter, salt and pepper to taste.

    Layer ingredients starting with the macaroni then each cheese until none is left, then pour the egg and milk over the top. Bake at 400 degrees until brown and bubbly on top.



  • megsmomma

    Sweet rolls:

    Easy and very pretty! My grandma always made these...and there really isn't a "recipe"...but, here are the directions for them..

    Use a round cake pan

    Put a layer of brown sugar on the bottom

    Put dots of butter on top of that (about every inch apart)

    Sprinlke drained and chopped marichino cherries all over

    Use bread dough (either canned, or home made) and make into balls and put around pan. Bake according to bread directions. When done....flip the pan onto a plate.......Walla!!

    The brown sugar and butter makes a glaze on the bread and the cherries give it an awsome flavor! Tastes best warm.

  • restrangled

    Some great recipies contributed already that I want to try from everyone. Lets keep this thread going so we can try and report results.....

    Once again, I know this is early but cooks need the time to test and prepare!

    This should be much fun for all!


  • Sunspot

    I have a couple of very old recipes that I can always rely on to come out with no problems or guesswork! I used to be ASKED to bring these to get-togethers, showers, etc.....so here goes. ENJOY! :


    I regular box yellow or white cake mix (ones with pineapple, strawberry or orange flavors are GREAT)

    3 eggs

    1 lb container Ricotta cheese

    1 teaspoon vanilla (I have use almond flavoring and it was terrific)

    1/2 cup granulated sugar

    Follow directions on the box for cake mix. Grease bundt pan or 9"x13" cake pan and pour in prepared batter. Beat the eggs with ricotta cheese, Add sugar and flavoring after mixing. GENTLY spoon the mixture on top of the batter. DO NOT MIX IN TOGETHER!

    Bake 350 degrees for 45-50 minutes or when it begins to pull away from the edges of the cake pan.

    This cake is especially moist and VERY good!



    2 cups flour

    2 teaspoons baking soda

    1/2 teaspoon salt

    2 eggs

    2 cups canned fruit cocktail -DO NOT DRAIN!

    Put all ingredients into one bowl, mix well with spoon, our into greased 13"x9" pan. Bake at 350 degrees for 25-30 minutes.

    I particularly like this one because it takes only a jiffy to toss together and is a lot more rich and moist than you would expect it to be.

    Any standard buttercream or cream cheese frosting goes well on either one of these cakes!



  • chelsea

    I tried to build a tofurkey (tofu turkey) last christmas and it was crap... i think i have to experiment with the recipe a bit more before it's edible... there were WAY too many spices in that thing, i was overcompensating because i thought it would definately be too bland... if anyone has tried making one and had any success with it i'd love to know!!!!!!

  • Hortensia

    I've made this sweet potato dish for several years now at Thanksgiving - everyone fights over the leftovers, it's so good.

      Sweet Potatoes
    • 5 pounds sweet potatoes
    • 1/2 cup chopped dried apricots
    • 1/4 cup bourbon
    • orange juice if needed
    • butter if you like, but it isn't necessary

    I microwave the sweet potatoes until they are really squishy and then let them cool. Scrape the cooled sweet potato flesh from the skin into a bowl. Add the dried apricots, bourbon, and mash. Add enough orange juice to make the potatoes creamy. Spread into a baking dish, drizzle a little melted butter over the top if you want. Bake at 350 degrees for about 20 minutes until hot all the way through.

  • veradico

    Hot Butter and Spice Rum Batter

    1 lb brown sugar
    1/2 lb salted butter
    1 tsp ground nutmeg
    1 tsp ground cinnamon
    1 tsp ground cloves
    1 tsp ground cardamom
    1 tsp vanilla

    Blend all ingredients, and store in the fridge or freezer. To make a drink add a shot or two of dark, spiced rum along with 1 or 2 tbl spoons of batter to a mug of hot water.


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