Canadian Loonie closes above US Dollar...

by zeroday 29 Replies latest jw friends

  • sweetstuff

    Newsflash: Canadians are not as dumb as you think, we are well aware of the fact that a higher loonie means cut backs on exports, tourism, etc. And as for Hilary Step's comments, perhaps some Canadians feel "inferior" many do not. We have low crime rates, clean air, streets, lakes, medicare that insures we do not lose our houses or savings due to the need for surgery or medical treatment. What the heck is there in that to feel inferior about?

    Umm,sorry, although I love my many american friends and great cities like NYC, I wouldn't live there by choice for the above factors. We can enjoy civil liberties americans have had taken away since 911. Soon, americans may have to bend over for "uncle sam" at airports, literally. As for a duck for our first president Sacrifical Loon, number 1, we have prime ministers, number 2, beats the a$$ you guys currently have for your president.

    Have you guys ever seen the Rick Mercier Report: One Day in America? Its pretty darn funny. Yeah, we feel so inferior, I don't think so. His discussion with the professors at Harvard over the seal hunting problem in Manitoba, was priceless. LMAO This series is worth the watch, too funny!

    Disclaimer: No americans were hurt during the composing of this post.

  • Homerovah the Almighty
    Homerovah the Almighty

    YEAH you tell them girl......sweetstuff

  • Satanus

    Too funny, sweetstuff. Harpers sense of humor showed through at the reaction of outrage by the quebec politician dion. Harper had engineered some kind of attack on his character. While dion and his guys blew their corks over this, harper seemed to be quietly entertained, as if it was all a circus. I generally find canadian politics boring. But, harper's crypto mischeiviousness and humor crack me up.


    Ps, geese, don't we canadians have a secret service protecting our politicians? Not even an rcmp hidden behind any of those evergreens.

  • BrentR

    Would it be too much to hope that we could discuss relative values of currencies without getting into a Canada vs. US argument? How petty!

  • delilah
    Newsflash: Canadians are not as dumb as you think, we are well aware of the fact that a higher loonie means cut backs on exports, tourism, etc. And as for Hilary Step's comments, perhaps some Canadians feel "inferior" many do not. We have low crime rates, clean air, streets, lakes, medicare that insures we do not lose our houses or savings due to the need for surgery or medical treatment. What the heck is there in that to feel inferior about?

    Thankyou, Sweetstuff....couldn't have said it any better. And as for the lousy Canadian truck drivers comment....yes, in fact MOST of the lousy drivers you see on the road are in fact, East Indian, and Pakistani. They have 5 or 6 people crammed in a truck, and they all take turns driving. Usually, only one of them has a valid driver's license.

    My husband is also a trucker, ( as are my father,for 47 years, and brother, for 25 years )and he was cut off by an east Indian driver....while he tried to run off, 2 other driver's blocked him in and slowed him to a stop. That's when my hubby saw that he jumped out of the driver's seat, and the one with the license got into the driver's seat. He offered my hubby money for the damage caused, and he refused it. So the driver said to him," Well then. It's your word against mine, and you hit me". Dirty rotten son of a b!*&h!

    So while there are a number of terrible truck drivers out there, please keep in mind, that the vast majority are excellent driver's, and also bear in mind that they CANNOT stop on a dime, so please do not pull out in front of them, or cut them may just get hurt.

    Sorry to vear off topic here, but I felt this must be addressed.

  • Paralipomenon

    I'm with sweetstuff, people don't give Canadians enough credit. All the news articles and paper articles I've seen about the rising dollar are headlines because it's a first in 30 years. They all go on to discuss the problems it poses for our economy.

    Being the brunt of decades of "monopoly money" jokes and the "northern peso" Canadians now get a chance to thumb their nose back south. It's great fun to watch the Americans twitch. Even if our economy tanks and we can't buy an American nickel with a twenty dollar bill, I don't think any Canadian will pass up the chance to join in on the mocking for now.

    I think it's cute how upset Americans are getting, must be the lack of real beer in their diets. :D

  • Satanus

    Perhaps the canadian dollar should be adopted across north america. The canuck influence would be a stabilising and calming influence on all w canuck bucks in the jeans, i'm sure. :))


  • hillary_step


    I see nothing petty in comparing attitudes between the US and its currency with Canada and its misplaced national pride in a strong loonie.

    You can see this attitude expressed in this dissonant post which verges on the contradictory by Paralipomenon:

    I'm with sweetstuff, people don't give Canadians enough credit. All the news articles and paper articles I've seen about the rising dollar are headlines because it's a first in 30 years. They all go on to discuss the problems it poses for our economy.

    Being the brunt of decades of "monopoly money" jokes and the "northern peso" Canadians now get a chance to thumb their nose back south.

    The reality is that Canada has an historical love-hate relationship with the US that is ingrained in the Canadian psyche and is largely based on the fact that it has only been able to survive by attachment to US largenesse.

    Prime Minister Trudeau, the last charismatic political figure that Canada spawned, put it very clearly in a speech he made to US President Nixon. Though he disliked Nixon intensely, he also recognized that Canada could not exist without the US. Most Canadians understand this, but do not like it, hence the inferiority complex.

    "Living next to you," Trudeau told an American audience in a speech to the National Press Club in 1969, "is like sleeping with an elephant; no matter how friendly and even-tempered is the beast, one is affected by every twitch and grunt." It was a colourful description of Canada's position in North America as the bilateral tensions that had plagued Canada-U.S. relations in the 1960s spilled over into the 1970s and 1980s.


  • hillary_step


    Can you please re-format your post so that it does not cause a page run-on.

    Thank you.


  • JK666

    I think that the revaluation of the two currencies will hurt the Canadian auto industry. The big 3 automakers will outsource elsewhere for new products. They might even decide to close Canadian plants as they continue to cut costs.


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