Newsflash: Canadians are not as dumb as you think, we are well aware of the fact that a higher loonie means cut backs on exports, tourism, etc. And as for Hilary Step's comments, perhaps some Canadians feel "inferior" many do not. We have low crime rates, clean air, streets, lakes, medicare that insures we do not lose our houses or savings due to the need for surgery or medical treatment. What the heck is there in that to feel inferior about?
Umm,sorry, although I love my many american friends and great cities like NYC, I wouldn't live there by choice for the above factors. We can enjoy civil liberties americans have had taken away since 911. Soon, americans may have to bend over for "uncle sam" at airports, literally. As for a duck for our first president Sacrifical Loon, number 1, we have prime ministers, number 2, beats the a$$ you guys currently have for your president.
Have you guys ever seen the Rick Mercier Report: One Day in America? Its pretty darn funny. Yeah, we feel so inferior, I don't think so. His discussion with the professors at Harvard over the seal hunting problem in Manitoba, was priceless. LMAO This series is worth the watch, too funny!
Disclaimer: No americans were hurt during the composing of this post.