Happy wife = happy husband..... I vote wife.
Your votes will decide: Farewell party for loyal dub VS. Ex-JW meetup
by OnTheWayOut 40 Replies latest jw friends
Been there
Your mutual friend is a one time thing, meet ups are monthly. Say good bye to your friend.
Yup, my vote is to loyalty with the wife, and this person that still treats you as a human. Give her that..she is not so indoctrinated that she shuns you because you are fading. Meetings are monthly..only one farewell party. Go to the party.
Just a thought....someday not so far from now you might not be able to attend a JW party. I vote go with your wife.
Hello Onthewayout. After reading your scenarios. I will vote go with your wife, considering that I think you are doing a laid back non aggressive slow fade.
No, My advice was not based on wanting to hear your reactions on the JW get-together! LOL
By all means go with wifey but....make sure you engage in theocratic warfare by putting lots of guilt on her for you having to give up an opportunity to be with your other dub buds.. just kiddin... carmel
Your wife knows you love her , but women love to see it in action. It's cliche , but actions speak louder than words. Go to your wife's friends going away party. Just avoid the elders, they are bad association, which could spoil your useful anti- witness habits ! Hang out with the girls ! Your wife and her friends. You will probably be more comfortable . Peace out, good luck , Mr. Flipper
Go to the farewell party.
Your wife will respect you a lot.
This thread is dead, don't revive it now because the votes are in.
I was clearly invited by the wife's best friend. I will go to the farewell party and
watch the local elders be uncomfortable by my presence. I will not go to the K.H.
beforehand except maybe to pick the wife up and go to the party.Thanks for your overwhelming majority decision and sincere thougths.