What Birth Sign Were You Born Under ?
by flipper 218 Replies latest jw friends
Aries here. Both kids are Libras and hubby is Aquarius. My best friend is a Capricorn.
Libra here.
LLBH- Taurus, huh? Get some better sleep and you'll feel better.
R. CRUSOE- I agree. I don't swear by astrology, but I find it interesting ! I believe in getting to know people up close and personal too.
MISANTHROPIC- A Libra woman ? What date if I may ask ?
BIG WILLY- Aries, my wife is one too . April 15th . Funny pictures you have of the signs there.
DINAH- Another Aries like my wife . What date in Aries ?
PURPLE SOFA- Another Libra woman ? What date are you out of curiosity ? Peace out, take care , Mr. Flipper
MISANTHROPIC- A Libra woman ? What date if I may ask ?
October 8th -
Thought I'd bump this long dormant thread up for fun ! So what birthdate are you ? I'm October 15th ! I have an interesting book on it called " The Power of Birthdays, Stars, & Numbers " by Saffi Crawford and Geraldine Sullivan. I don't totally go by this stuff - but some of the descriptions of personalities on certain dates can be pretty close at times. Has anybody read this book ? Look forward to hearing your birthdates ! Peace out, Mr. Flipper
Hey Flip! Libra here too. I started reading this book years ago, with an attitude to debunk. The more I read, the more I believed that it has at least some effect on our personality. I'm a classic Libra. Sagitarius rising, and Pisces Moon.
Which calendar are you going by? I'm a pisces cum libre. Somewhere inbetween there's....
I'm a pisces cum libre.
I thought you were gay?