What are the witnesses whispering about among themselves....

by journey-on 14 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • BizzyBee
    The one witness I talked to about it was all excited. She was saying how great it is and is looking foward to whatever info they come out with.

    I knew it. The things dubs can get excited about is unbelievable - until you remember how much intellectual deprivation they are subjected to.

    Something as pathetically transparent as a Special Edition WT (!) is like dropping a bread crumb into a colony of ants. They start scurrying around, bumping into each other, no doubt wetting their tiny selves, in a frenzy to poke, prod, sniff, lick and carry that crumb somewhere. They are so focused on that crumb, they are oblivious to the loaf of bread that is being snatched from their warehouse.

  • Homerovah the Almighty
    Homerovah the Almighty

    What are you using for a DILDOE glass, plastic or rubber ?

  • Gregor

    Wait till they find out the new light that requires everyone to wear a Nehru jacket and shave off their eyebrows

  • journey-on


    Something as pathetically transparent as a Special Edition WT (!) is like dropping a bread crumb into a colony of ants. They start scurrying around, bumping into each other, no doubt wetting their tiny selves, in a frenzy to poke, prod, sniff, lick and carry that crumb somewhere. They are so focused on that crumb, they are oblivious to the loaf of bread that is being snatched from their warehouse.

    What a great description, BizzyBee. You really have a way with words!

    Homerovah....humm...so that's what they're whispering about in your KH, uh? lol

  • yknot

    Anticipation of "real spiritual meat"! (After 28 years of restricted/ regurgitated diet).

    At last I think most will be disappointed by years' end.

    What possible could they print that hasn't already been printed before?

    This is just a rouse to make the R & F feel "special", so as to keep them interested.

    I can't wait until one of yall posts it here for all the world to see that "what is covered, will become uncovered".

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