A coup??? Possible if Jaracz decides to wrestle the presidency from who ever is next on the pole
The worldwide anointed have absolutely no say or power over those on the GB .
kind of like what happend after Russell died, the JW's took over Pastor Russell's group
JWs didn't show up for at least 15 years after Russell's death. However, Rutherford illegally took over the presidency immediately after Russell died. He had his plan set up and implented it before the WT stockholders had a clue what was happening. Those who decided to submit to Rutherford stayed. The rest (amost 75% I believe) left and went on as Bible Students.
Also with the restructured WTS and all its affiliates the GB no longer bear any legal responsibilities. They are religious figureheads - sort of like their arch-enemy the Pope. They have a say in religious matters only