A coup against the Watchtower?

by Dead Man Joaquin 34 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse

  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee

    A coup??? Possible if Jaracz decides to wrestle the presidency from who ever is next on the pole

    The worldwide anointed have absolutely no say or power over those on the GB .

    kind of like what happend after Russell died, the JW's took over Pastor Russell's group

    JWs didn't show up for at least 15 years after Russell's death. However, Rutherford illegally took over the presidency immediately after Russell died. He had his plan set up and implented it before the WT stockholders had a clue what was happening. Those who decided to submit to Rutherford stayed. The rest (amost 75% I believe) left and went on as Bible Students.

    Also with the restructured WTS and all its affiliates the GB no longer bear any legal responsibilities. They are religious figureheads - sort of like their arch-enemy the Pope. They have a say in religious matters only

  • yknot

    Excellent point Lady Lee!

    So listen up you Legal Department lurkers.......you still have a chance for a take-over! Show the Writing Dept./ GB brown-nosers who really keeps this boat floating! How many times have you pleaded for them to just drop something, so you could do your job! Just get all the mini corporations heads to abandon the current GB ( have them declared legally incompetent, vote no confidence)! Imagine if there is a refusal to print! Then how will the GB communicate? They won't, and you can gag order them in exchange for quietly leaving and a pension. These men are sinking the ship! The profits are going to be falling, if they are not already (your nice cushy apartment by have to liquidated)!

    A JW looking forward to the mainstreaming of our beliefs (it will be much easier to sell the householder)


  • WTWizard

    A good way would be for a group to simply boycott the whole organization, and start their own magazines. In this, they would explain that the Watchtower Society is totally wrong and did not fulfill its claim to be the one true religion. Exposing the Watchtower as crap would be the purpose of those magazines. They would be sent out to all the congregations about two days ahead of the Kool-Aid editions of the Puketowers, from the same addresses, and look like Kool-Aid rags. If this goes on long enough, people would stop believing in the real thing.

  • JK666


    To have a successful coup the anointed would have to communicate and organize. Each anointed has no way of communication with others outside of their immediate area. There is no public list of emblem partakers.

    No way could they pull it off, even if they wanted to.


  • JK666

    The Legal Department needs to build a large enclave in California or the Caribbean. They can call it Beth-Shan 2. Send all the geezers of the Governing Body there, and run the organization as they see fit. It worked with Rutherford when they got sick of his a$$.


  • metatron

    Not gonna happen!

    If you are in the legal dept or a director or a member of the GB, you have position, an office,

    and "donations" from rich Witnesses. You don't give a rats a$$ about some deluded Witness

    zombie who bleeds to death or kid who gets molested. Your life is good.

    One major weak point in this cult are the Circuit Overseers. They are the critical linchpin of the whole

    organization. Find a legal or financial way to get rid of them and the organization crumbles.


  • OnTheWayOut

    Seizing control of the actual buildings or forcibly removing people, any action like that would
    be viewed as hostile, terrorist, illegal actions. WT corporation is a corportation. You can't
    just take over the McDonald's corporation because they use fatty oils and poor quality meat.
    The place doesn't "belong" to you.

    A coup in WTS would have to come from convincing the members that the leaders are wrong.
    Anyone starting such a revolution is disfellowshipped, making it difficult to win over the others.
    Actually, former members would stand a better chance than those working for change from

    The only foreseeable avenue of such change would be quietly taking over by moving into
    important positions until there are enough rebels to be the real power behind the tower. I hope
    that never happens. I don't want a mind-control cult to find a way to change. I want the tower
    to topple. Would we suggest that Jim Jones' compound should have found a way to keep
    everyone mentally enslaved without the suicide, or the same for Heaven's Gate? I am tired of
    reading about "changing" the WTS. Burn it.

  • MadTiger

    "Get out of her, my people!"

  • yknot

    JK...Beth-Shan 2

  • journey-on
    Each anointed has no way of communication with others outside of their immediate area

    Have you forgotten about the information highway.....the internet? Set up a site...password required...

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