Never has this knight heard speech of such a nature before the ladies of the court. I hope princess Seven did not hear this.
I think that once I did see this hideous contraption you speak of, Sir Thomas. I thought it the deformed spawn of a dragon so foul was its breath and so pitiful its roar. I once saw such a creature carrying off a knight (though he was attired in strange armor) in great haste. I shot an arrow at the demon’s belly which, strangely enough was upon his back. My aim was true and suddenly the belly of the beast burst forth with a great and thunderous ball of fire as the dragon spittle ignited once exposed to the sunshine. I fear that there was not much left of the creature for examination but I did indeed make it turn loose its victim for he went running away and crying out with joy at his deliverance.
Well, I would never permit so noble a creature as this steed which I ride to be used for the acquiring of so vile a creature as that which you speak of. I would have the wizard Simon turn him into a mountain or a majestic tree before I would allow him to be used for such a foul exchange.
And you would be well warned to make no move that might be mistaken for an attempt on the Red Horse Woman’s life. The French Knight would not take kindly to that.
-Seen it all, done it all, can't remember most of it-