The JW the soul ever healed?...A BIG RANT.

by restrangled 19 Replies latest jw friends

  • Mrs Smith
    Mrs Smith

    Hi Restrangled

    Sorry you're feeling the full emosion of it all today. Some days are worse that others arn't they? Just when we think we're ok and they can't touch us these old memories come flooding back. Have a good nights sleep, I truely hope you feel a bit better tomorrow.


  • Princess Daisy Boo
    Princess Daisy Boo

    There are good days and bad days and average days, and you know what - this bad day will pass.

    I feel better mostly for knowing that there are so many of us in the same boat here on the board and no matter what a crappy hand we were dealt by being caught up in the borg, we are out, and there are many that are still stuck inside and may never get out!

    Hugs and love


  • prophecor

    Suspended animation sucks. Your life was held captive to an idea, a notion, a premise and a promise for a tommorow, guaranteed to never end. The dream wasn't bad in itself, but being held hostage to group of ancient men and thier ideas, remeniscent of the Bolitburro of the once feared Soviet Union, we were all required to dance the dance, sing the song, as we awaited the realisation of all the promises we'd been encouraged to believe.

    Now that the blinders have come off, it can be easy to get angry. You see evidence of life going on as it should. People marrying and being given in marriage. The marketplaces are full of shoppers, getting along and pursuing thier passions. People are pursuing thier education so that they can better position themselves for the future that's almost certain to come. We were pre-programmed to be passionate about nothing, other than Jehovah's "alleged" organisation and the mission of trying to save the entire planet and remove whatever bloodguilt to be held over our heads, before it would come to an end.

    Now, its 2007, and I look behind me and see all the effort, energy and mindless racing and running from the past that was my life. "Jehovahs going to ahnihillate me soon." "The worlds going to end with me being outside of his covenant arrangement." "I have to hurry up and get my life together before Armegeddon catches up with me"

    All those excuses, all those precious moments of spent energy, and for what? To have a litany of organisational changes and never endind adjustments to be form fitted into my life, because the world kept on going with or without Jehovahs "alleged" organisation? Its like being kicked in the face and having to suffer the ignomy of swallowing your own teeth. You've every right in the world to be angry. I trust, however, that you will also find a reasonable, rational way to assist you in your pain.

    Strength & Honour


  • greendawn

    It should heal with the right actions and attitude, it's really important to develop social relationships in the non JW world, or associate with support groups.

    Do you know what is it specifically from the JW past that blocks you eg is it certain of their ideas that prevent you from seeing the non JW society as normal? Is it the (baseless) fear of armageddon?

  • ex-nj-jw


    I've been out 24 almost 25 years and I'm still pissed that my parents forced this on me. I had not choice, no say and the only way out was to leave at 18 with a newborn child. My mother has always treated me poorly, and even after seeing what I've done with my life, what kind of person I turned out to be she still 42 years later can only call me a child of the devil, soon to die at the BIG A, murderer because of me my children will die......yeah i'm pissed!

    I'm pissed because I was denied the love of a mother that I should have had, my father was more concerned with the elders and their meetings to know what was going on at home, he was so consumed with having the perfect little jdub kids that he allowed the JW organization to rule over us..........still pissed



  • sf

    is the soul ever healed?...

    Many souls are scarred by the blatant insanity of this fraudulent and corrupt organization, passed off as a loving religion.

    Scars never heal, entirely. They will always be tender. Even when no one touches them.

    So "healed", ever?



  • the dreamer dreaming
    the dreamer dreaming

    when you transcend the idea that reality can ever be wrong, you can see that all aspects of reality happen because of the true nature of reality and that mythlogical concepts like freewill cause you to believe that things could have been other than they were... but if you re-wound reality and played it back again, there would have to happen what did happen because you can only change things by the insertion of things which obviously did not happen... fantasy.

    once you realize that the past is ghost that can only haunt you with the power you give can avoid giving it that power.

    to understand how you give it that power, you must realize that you are comparing what you remembered happening to a FALSE fantasy of what some part of you believes should have happened instead.

    if you accept exactly what DID happen as the ONLY unfolding of reality, it cannot harm you any more.

  • the dreamer dreaming
    the dreamer dreaming

    when you transcend the idea that reality can ever be wrong, you can see that all aspects of reality happen because of the true nature of reality and that mythlogical concepts like freewill cause you to believe that things could have been other than they were... but if you re-wound reality and played it back again, there would have to happen what did happen because you can only change things by the insertion of things which obviously did not happen... fantasy.

    once you realize that the past is ghost that can only haunt you with the power you give can avoid giving it that power.

    to understand how you give it that power, you must realize that you are comparing what you remembered happening to a FALSE fantasy of what some part of you believes should have happened instead.

    if you accept exactly what DID happen as the ONLY unfolding of reality, it cannot harm you any more.

  • restrangled

    Thanks to all for your wonderful words of wisdom, advice and support.

    I feel much better today. Sometimes detailed memories come roaring, back and it takes my breath away. Then I get beyond it. It was just strange something I had not thought of for probably 25 years played back like a movie....something I had not dealt with and just put away because of the pain at the time.

    I have an orchid that bloomed this week after waiting for a year. It has the most beautiful flowers you have ever seen. It reminds me of exjws.

    The roots hang in mid-air with no soil. The plant itself is nothing out of the ordinary, but when it produces flowers it is one of the most beautiful botanical displays you will witness. In other words, many of us kind of hang in mid air, we have lost our roots. It may take a while but when we bloom its into beautiful human beings.

    I can't photo my plant right now, it has poured rain for days, but here is a link to what it looks like.

    Each flower of the Vanda is bigger than the size of the palm of your hand. There are 10 on my plant.

    Love to all.

  • restrangled

    well that didn't work, it just takes you to google. So type in Vanda ORchids and go to images. You will be amazed!


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