Suspended animation sucks. Your life was held captive to an idea, a notion, a premise and a promise for a tommorow, guaranteed to never end. The dream wasn't bad in itself, but being held hostage to group of ancient men and thier ideas, remeniscent of the Bolitburro of the once feared Soviet Union, we were all required to dance the dance, sing the song, as we awaited the realisation of all the promises we'd been encouraged to believe.
Now that the blinders have come off, it can be easy to get angry. You see evidence of life going on as it should. People marrying and being given in marriage. The marketplaces are full of shoppers, getting along and pursuing thier passions. People are pursuing thier education so that they can better position themselves for the future that's almost certain to come. We were pre-programmed to be passionate about nothing, other than Jehovah's "alleged" organisation and the mission of trying to save the entire planet and remove whatever bloodguilt to be held over our heads, before it would come to an end.
Now, its 2007, and I look behind me and see all the effort, energy and mindless racing and running from the past that was my life. "Jehovahs going to ahnihillate me soon." "The worlds going to end with me being outside of his covenant arrangement." "I have to hurry up and get my life together before Armegeddon catches up with me"
All those excuses, all those precious moments of spent energy, and for what? To have a litany of organisational changes and never endind adjustments to be form fitted into my life, because the world kept on going with or without Jehovahs "alleged" organisation? Its like being kicked in the face and having to suffer the ignomy of swallowing your own teeth. You've every right in the world to be angry. I trust, however, that you will also find a reasonable, rational way to assist you in your pain.
Strength & Honour