as far as Jehovahs Witnesses are concerned, apostates are evil, wicked, faithless do you feel about the fact that you are portrayed in such a light by the org?
In my case, faithless is accurate. I'm not evil though, and I don't lie.
It's a convenient label for the watchtower to give us, though, don't you
think? Many of us on here are people who simply walked away from
the org because we researched its' teachings and found that most of
them don't add up to much. The knowledge that we have makes us
dangerous, so it's in the watchtower's interest to keep jws away from
us. They know that there's no point trying to reason with us from
watchtower teachings anymore, and they certainly don't want any
jw to listen to what we have to say about their doctrines.
Personally, I couldn't care less how the watchtower labels me. The
local congregations (in Derby) regard me as a dangerous apostate,
and they are right - I am dangerous to them. I've helped 4 others to
leave the org so far, and would help more if asked.
The perception most JWs have is that apostates are lonely unhappy people who have no life, no meaning to life and "most importantly" have no faith
In most cases, that's just another watchtower fallacy, and couldn't be
further from the truth. I know several ex jws, and most of them are much
more content with their lives since they quit the org, I know that I am.
However, to portray us as lonely or unhappy is again in the org's interests.
They simply can't afford to allow their members, especially the younger ones,
to see that there is a better life beyond the watchtower, so they paint this
generally false picture of how awful life becomes for those who are no longer
in the org, and it works for them. Loyal jws do avoid us, and simply refuse to
accept that we have anything other than the miserable life that the org says
we have.
I will be the first to admit - I always thought that those who criticized the org were untruthful or exaggerating
I guess we will all forgive you for that, Scotsman. It's again to do with the way
you have been taught to think as a jw. It's also commendable IMHO that you
are now prepared to make an honest evaluation of what we have to say instead
of dismissing it out of hand, which the watchtower would obviously prefer you
to do. What you do in the future, once you have disseminated the information
on here, is obviously up to you, and I for one won't attempt to influence you, but
whatever you decide, I wish you well.