Apostates - viewed as liars, the devils henchmen & to be avoided at all cos

by The Scotsman 19 Replies latest jw friends

  • Frjprice

    I've been called that once or twice... couldn't imagine why?

    As several of the above posters mentioned, to those on the 'inside' it is just another method of control. Its enough that if you are outside of the org. that noone you know is allowed to speak to you, but if they can convince everyone that those on the outside have horrible, misrible lives and no family, friends or support just like "lost sheep" then how much more would people want to keep from being put there?

  • Vernon Williams
    Vernon Williams

    Being labeled an "Apostate" (capital "A") by the WT is the highest honer a truth seeking individual can attain. Anytime a history re-writing, Scripture lifting, lying, half-truth telling, group of hypocrites tells you you are out of sync with them: well, it just does not get any better....


  • HadEnuf

    I too used to listen to what the organization used to say about how horrible apostates were and to avoid them like the plague. Just another method of mind control...and it's like my husband is fond of saying...we aren't the apostates...the WATCHTOWER SOCIETY IS! I mean if you look at how far they've strayed from just the two basic principles that Christ taught: Love your neighbor as yourself (not a whole lot of that going on in congregations) and Love "Jehovah" first (Is that correct? It's been so long since I've picked up a bible I'm not quite sure how it really goes...but I think I'm close)...they sure ain't doing what they should be doing. Ahhhhhhhhhh...I don't mind being called an apostate. To me it's a badge of honor! mumsy the mummy

  • NeonMadman

    Why should I care what names a bunch of apostates call me?

  • uninformed

    Vernon wrote (and wisely so)

    Being labeled an "Apostate" (capital "A") by the WT is the highest honer a truth seeking individual can attain. Anytime a history re-writing, Scripture lifting, lying, half-truth telling, group of hypocrites tells you you are out of sync with them: well, it just does not get any better....


    I am with you brother. What an honor to be treated as evil by enemies of Jesus Christ.


  • ninja

    hey scotty....when I see the difference between your original posts and now ... you deserve credit for how you bounced back from the opposition on this board and how you have used your "independent thinking ability"...he he....well done mate....can i ask you......what reaction have you had when speaking to witnesses about anything other than the party line or havent you went that far yet?

  • Open mind
    Open mind

    Don't forget "Foaming at the Mouth".

    Well at least that describes me after enjoying a nice one of these.

    Belhaven Scottish Ale. Yum. Can't wait until quitting time!

    Open Mind

  • blueviceroy

    I dont think I'm disturbed in the slightest by the fact that I'm hated and reviled but a group of self satisfied "I'm better that all you faithless scumbags " dupes of the watch tower .Concidering the level of real intelligence in bonafide believers is quite negligable it would be pointless to be concerned in the opinion of said believers.

  • Vernon Williams
    Vernon Williams


    Hey, bro!

    I, accidently, came across this site: this article was pretty good: on "disfellowshipping;"


    I was researching WW 11 for a class in the school I am taking. Found this site: it was kinda fun to look around:


    Winston Churchhill is a crack up: the site is about quotes and it is pretty neat.

    Hope all is well,


  • smellsgood



    In short, APOSTASY reigned supreme; it was universal, complete, all pervading. The religion of the lowly Nazarene was nowhere to be found. All sects, parties, and denominations had gone astray. Satan rejoiced and his angels laughed. Such were the social and religious conditions of the day.......

    But in the wisdom of Him who knoweth all things, who rules supreme o’er earth and hell, the hour had come for the promised Restoration.*C*____________was to be the year when the Great Jehovah would commence the restitution of all things ......

    Amid the gloom of APOSTATE darkness a light would shine forth. Creation’s decree, the great proclamation—“Let there be light”—was to be issued anew. The light of the gospel, the light of the Everlasting Word, would soon shed its rays o’er all the earth......

    As *F* ________________ prayed, the powers of evil fought back with satanic terror. *G*

    Such are the ways of Satan that when the God of heaven seeks to send the greatest light of the ages into the world, the forces of evil oppose it with the deepest darkness and iniquity of their benighted realm. Lucifer, our common enemy, fought the promised Restoration as he now fights the accomplished Restoration.......

    a new APOSTASY developed even during the Lord’s own ministry. As early as the events recorded in the sixth chapter of John, this falling away took place. You will recall from reading that chapter in the New Testament that many of his disciples would not accept his pure doctrine and therefore fell away and no longer followed him...

    In apparent dismay, Jesus turned to the Twelve and asked, “Will ye also go away?”

    Then it was that Simon Peter replied, “Lord, to whom shall we go? thou hast the words of eternal life.”

    Note if you will that the words of eternal life were not with those who fell away, but rather with those who remained faithful and loyal.

    Subsequently, during the administration of the Twelve, serious apostasy developed again. As a result, nearly all of the epistles of the New Testament were written to combat it......

    Historians say that within one hundred years after Christ, as many as thirty splinter groups and separate denominations of Christians arose.....

    Further evidence of early apostasy in the Church is brought forcefully and particularly to our attention by the manner in which Paul wrote his first letter to the Corinthians.....

    And then he added: “If the candle of the Almighty does not shine from this place, you need not seek for its light anywhere else.”

    there is a disposition manifested in any of the members of the Church to question the right of the *AB*____________of the whole Church to direct in all things, you see manifested evidences of APOSTASY—of a spirit which, if encouraged, will lead to a separation from the Church and to final destruction;

    The language of the Lord is simple and easily understood. If any have APOSTASIZED from the Church or have been cut off by the duly appointed courts provided by the Lord, they shall not find an inheritance among the Saints of the Most High unless they repent.

    Salvation is not to be found in splinter groups today any more than it was to be found in the various denominations which polluted the teachings of Moses anciently or which, in the days of early Christianity, transgressed the laws, changed the ordinances, and broke the everlasting covenant.

    There are some who claim that even though they are *W*_____________ from the Church, their *AE*_______________________are not taken away. Let us remind those persons that the power to seal is also the power to loose, for the Lord has said of his true servants that “whatsoever thou shalt bind on earth shall be bound in heaven: and whatsoever thou shalt loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven.” (Matt. 16:19; D&C 132:46.) *W*________________ takes away all rights, privileges, and blessings of the Church.


    Who's this?

    Without a doubt, our appreciating just how wicked and corrupt Satan’s world is will help us to keep separate from the world. Such appreciation will make it easy for us to obey the command found at Psalm 97:10: "O you lovers of __________, hate what is bad." No matter how pleasant, how enticing, wicked things are to the fallen flesh, we must abhor them, even as the apostle commands. (Rom. 12:9) More than that, we want to hate those who willfully show themselves haters of ____________, haters of what is good. As David of old expressed it: "Do I not hate those who are intensely hating you, _______________, and do I not feel a loathing for those revolting against you? With a complete hatred I do hate them. They have become to me real enemies." (Ps. 139:21, 22) We hate them, not in the sense of wanting to do them harm or wishing them harm but in the sense of avoiding them as we would poison or a poisonous snake, for they can poison us spiritually.


    Who's this?

    Those ahead of you in life have probed about the water holes a bit and raise a voice of warning about crocodiles. Not just the big, gray lizards that can bite you to pieces, but spiritual crocodiles, infinitely more dangerous, and more deceptive and less visible, even, than those well-camouflaged reptiles of Africa.

    These spiritual crocodiles can kill or mutilate your souls. They can destroy your peace of mind and the peace of mind of those who love you. Those are the ones to be warned against, and there is hardly a watering place in all of mortality now that is not infested with them.

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