What would you say to this........

by fifi40 18 Replies latest jw friends

  • nvrgnbk

    Do you not find it incredible that they have such lack of tact or empathy.........I know they 'think' they are right.............but come on are comments like that not just despicable.

    It's a trained response.

    He really can't help it.

    It's just as bad as another brand of fundamentalist saying, "God called him home."

    As LeslieV says,

    Your ex-husband's pat answer is one of the major reasons why there are so many mental health issues in the cult. Grieving is a process....they do not let anyone grieve when they lose someone they love. It is unnatural, and unhealthy not to grieve.

    I'm so very sorry about all of this.

    Glad to hear that the little man at least had some pleasant experiences before his life was cut short.

  • journey-on

    So sorry for you and your son. The boy's mom sounds like an "angel".

    JWs seem rather cold and disconnected when it comes to death. When my mother, a JW for over 50 years

    passed away, my fanatical JW sister, upon being asked by the funeral director what she wanted done with

    the ashes told him to "just flush them!" It's a good thing I was there. I told her "absolutely not. I will take

    the ashes." She scowled at me and said: "Just exactly what are you going to do with them?" I so wanted

    to tell her something like, "Oh, I don't know...chant over them...say some sort of 'prayer'...have a little ritual

    of my own...then scatter them near some 'holy' grounds." I just said, "I don't know yet, but I don't want

    them flushed down the drain!" They are all a bit mental, imo. You would have to be to stay in it!

  • yknot

    This is so sad, I am so sorry. Please remember when she needs an ear to lend one, a good friend can be a saving grace at times of loss.

    I agree with Nrvgnbk that it is a trained response. In the Baptist community instead they say

    "He is with the Lord now, he is no longer suffering, and is surely smiling down on us now."
    "Jesus must have an important task for him to be taken so soon"

    Much like your husbands comments these are not really comforting but are meant to be. They are meant to lessen the loss with hope.Most don't know what to say when losses like these occur.

  • greendawn

    Sorry to hear about the death of your friend's child, unfortunately cystic fibrosis is one of the more common genetic diseases among European people.

  • jeanniebeanz

    This is the kind of vacuous reasoning that vividly illustrates how many synapses these people have managed to incapacitate over the course of their indoctrination at the hands of the Watchtower Publishing and Mind Control Conglomerate of NY.

    They may not yet have literally "drunk the Kool-aide," but they have certainly consumed vast quantities of Mental Drano over the years. Sadly, I expect it to only get worse as the organization closes ranks in response to criticism from the outside resulting in their people becoming even more socially isolated and more extreme in their cognitive dissonance. Sure, some are leaving, but those who remain are becoming truly lost to humanity.

  • Sad emo
    Sad emo

    (((fifi))) and (((fifi's son)))

    Trev took the words right out of my mouth.

  • NewYork44M
    Dad's reaction initially was how sad and then............'its the best thing that could have happened to him......now he has the hope of the resurrection'.

    Every tragedy has a happy ending i guess.

    This witness should revise his d2d presentation:

    Would you like to take these magazines?


    Ok then eat this gun and die. I am doing you a favor.

  • delilah

    Fifi, I'm very sorry for the loss of your friend's young son. I cannot imagine losing my own 15 year old. how devastating!

    Dad's reaction initially was how sad and then............'its the best thing that could have happened to him......now he has the hope of the resurrection'

    I heard that very comment today from my mother, and it really pi$$es me off. However, it made little difference to her, about the resurrection, when my grandmother passed away almost a year ago this month! She was inconsolable then.

    This comment, to me anyways, shows how little compassion they really have for others.

  • fifi40

    Thanks all for your comments, kindness and concern..........my ex acknowledged today that perhaps he shouldnt have said that sort of thing in front of me.......but he felt it was ok to because I have been a witness.......at the end of the day the only thing that matters right now is supporting those that are suffering.........without prejudice or personal opinion.

    Thanks again for the thoughts you have for my friend and her family.


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