Whatever Minimus, that old dying gay guy looks like he's gonna say:
"Giiiiiiiiirl, thanks for these flowers- put these in my good vase! *stares at her belt* What on earth on you wearing? I hope you didn't wear that out going door-to door..."
Joking of course. But yeah I do agree with Vernon that there was a sorta interesting take on sisters since you hardly seen one with some meat on her in the magazines... funny lookin' brothers all over, but sistes had to obviously be slender and fit. I mean who wants to read a religious magazine with normal looking women in it? And its probably the way Jehovah want them to look...
But on a serious note, in my halls it relly depended- you had to be on the "in" crowd in some way to be taken care of. Like if you weren't a family member of the "in crowd" you might be watching reruns of Matlock (no making fun, that show kicked ass) and eating your jello alone if you get sick.
but I'm not gonna act like I wasn't part o the congregation or believed I was one of them, and I didn't try to make an effort. Maybe its one of those "shifts of Responsiility" whereas everybody thinks someone else is suppose/going to do it and it doesn't happen or get taken care of at all.
Wow, talk about christan love...That sounds so effing sick, like I now deserve to have the same thing happen to me.