Sexuality discussions on JWD

by Lady Lee 53 Replies latest forum announcements

  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee
    Why do "inappropriate" comments and threads get locked and/or removed, yet I constantly see an advertisement for romance that is a naked woman laying on a bed making eyes at the camera? What's up w/ that?

    Sadly we have no control of some of the ads that pop up. The ads are what helps to keep the site online. I suspect it was a bundle package that gets posted based on what else is on the page.

    If someone posts the word "sex" the ads will post in reference to the that word.

    If the word is "Bible" then you would get ads either about the Bible or link to Christian websites.

  • Open mind
    Open mind

    Let me see if I'm getting this right.

    Lady Lee said:

    "I think a sense of humor about life is a required quality for us to grow. But that does not mean we have to resort to getting our adolescent jollies from skirting the line."

    I started a thread the other day about how to talk to teenagers about sex in general and specifically Masturbation. From what you've written, it sounds like this thread is OK, as long as it's in the Adult section of JWD, (which it is).

    Here's the link if you want to see exactly what I'm talking about:

    In my introductory comments I included a few euphemisms for masturbation along with smiley emoticons indicating that I was "game" for a little bit of ribbing and joking along with some serious advice. Is that what you consider "adolescent jollies"? I do. And I think it's OK as long as it's in the Adult Section.

    I'd like to get your take on that thread. Was it crossing the line? Or OK. If it was crossing the line, I think you're gonna lose a lot of posters. Not me. I value this place too much. I'll just be a little disappointed.

    Thanks to all the moderators for your hard, unpaid, and often criticized work.

    Open Mind

  • MegaDude
    You've been here long enough to know that the mods here are not a bunch of prudes

    That is for sure.

    But there is obivously at least one for whom sexual issues are a trigger to put them into red alert mode ala Star Trek and go on a deleting spree.

  • primitivegenius

    im sitting here reading and laughing............

    porn..... yeah im sure that none of us here want to see any sort of that and those of us who might can find it in two seconds anywhere on the net

    i understand the ADULT section is where things that some would be offended by should go...... and i second the thought that if possible the adult section shouldnt come up in active topics unless the person clicks to allow it........... would be great if that were an option

    problem i have is the hijacking of threads.............. who cares? if you read a thread and want to take the time to post something.......... whats the harm...... as long as your not being hatefull.

    a thread talking about black people......... and ending up speaking of mountain oysters......... WHO CARES?

    that thread progressed from black people to foods found at black(and other) get togethers........ chiterlings and mountain oysters do unapatizeingly fall therin............. so the removal of that was personal choice and was kinda dumb.

    mods do a great job of getting fools like barney mulabafoon off and thats great but dont go to dang far with it.

    if its offensive and not in adult section....... or just to offensive to be on the site........ yall got huge support from all of us. were greatfull to ya but dont squash threads that are being kept going because they are fun.... just cause you dont like it.

    just my two cents

  • mrsjones5

    a thread talking about black people......... and ending up speaking of mountain oysters......... WHO CARES?

    that thread progressed from black people to foods found at black(and other) get togethers........ chiterlings and mountain oysters do unapatizeingly fall therin............. so the removal of that was personal choice and was kinda dumb.

    I was on that thread and yeah we got on the subject of food which led to chittlins then to mountain oysters. I wasn't offended by the pic of the bull testicles but I did mistakenly think that the topic got deleted because the focus had primarily been about who is black on this board. Sometimes a topic needs and calls out to be deleted but I don't think that one did. I wish that the mod who deleted it could have just given a warning about staying on topic (I have seen that done before).


  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee

    Open Mind

    I went to look at your thread. I had not seen it before but I did notice Scully offered some info.

    I started a thread the other day about how to talk to teenagers about sex in general and specifically Masturbation. From what you've written, it sounds like this thread is OK, as long as it's in the Adult section of JWD, (which it is).

    That is exactly the type of thread about sexual issues that are wanted and appreciated on JWD. Despite your use of smiles you set the tone as important. The responses you got were on topic and I hope helpful to you and any other readers. You also placed it in the ADULT section of the board because some people do get offended or just prefer not to read those topics.

  • snowbird
    I wish that the mod who deleted it could have just given a warning about staying on topic (I have seen that done before).


    I was on, too. I asked the question about Rocky Mountain oysters because I honestly didn't know what they were. It was my first time hearing of them. I asked several people in my area if they knew what they are and only got a blank stare. I had no idea anyone was being offended.


  • John Doe
    John Doe

    I suspect it was more the pictures of the oysters rather than the subject. Some people are a little squeamish.

  • kerj2leev


    Please put your shirt on! This is not the thread for that.

  • erynw
    You also placed it in the ADULT section of the board because some people do get offended or just prefer not to read those topics.

    I'm confused as to the reason for the adult section of the board. I thought it was there to avoid triggering those who may be offeneded by certain adult content that may be posted in the general sections. If something is posted in the adult thread, and it is of an adult nature, even humorously so, what's the foul?

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