If, and I stress if, we accept that fading will almost inevitably involve deceiving does that equate to being a liar? If so, might the damage that may occur to our consciences spill over to other aspects of our lives?
i faded as quickly as possible........ i moved away from my old cong. then i got married out of state....... then i moved yet again to another state........... my family knew i wasnt going to the meetings because......... i DIDNT lie about that.
what i did do is leave it in their hands........... i didnt talk about it and i changed the subject when they brought up the typical witness bull crap.
one day my dad asked me directly if i was going to another church............ i evaded the question. he really didnt want to know.... so he didnt pursue.
my vocabulary gave me away because i didnt gush over jehovah......... i talked about god and jesus.
finally my sister and mother came and confronted me about it........
do you remember in the cult where they said you must always be prepared to make a defense for god to anyone who attacks............. i was always scared of that.
NOT ANYMORE. because i actually have a relationship with him which is much closer than anything the witlessness can contrive. i love him and he loves me. so when they asked me directly........... i said you dont really wanna know........... my heart pounding and chest constricting.......... mom woulda let it go buy my sis is even more brainwashed that she is......... so she said ........ i think i do.
so i told them about their so called religion.
fear left me.
words came to me.
just like the dubs say happens when HOLY SPIRIT is upon you...........
i told them as nicely as i could and pointed out things and refused to speak on doctrine. told them they were in a false religious orginazation and should get out.
of course there is no where else to go right............. wrong told them about that as well
i wont lie.............. not for that cult. but i will have absolutely no problems misleading or evadeing question........ or playing dumb.
if i were to lie then i would basicly be saying to god that i didnt love him enough to make that defense for his name and that simply wont do.