Hi Folks,
Some here are annoyed by the Obves threads, some are happy to have him here. Some even choose to debate with him. But do you find his threads too long winded and repetitive? Are you frustrated at having to wade through huge amounts of text to find what you’re after?
Maybe you should think about this. . .
The OBVES 2011
ä End time Calculator.
Developed by Obves and Camping Out
ä this neat little calculator will give you hours of fun as you predict the coming global holocaust. Simply input numbers you've found in the Bible and watch in wonder as the OBVES 2011 ä works out the date for the "Big A"
For added fun why not feed in your house number, family birthdates or your car's registration number?
Be the envy of your friends as you plan finances, holidays, even family get togethers in the safe knowledge that The Great Tribulation
â won't rain on your parade.