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by Clam 13 Replies latest social humour
I saw where I could buy one of those for 18.79, no wait 18.91, no now the price has gone up again, 19.14, 19.25, geez, demand must be getting high, 19.75, 19.91. 20.11, when will it ever end?
horrible life
I bought one. It does everything as promised. My whole family got involved. The OBVES 2011 is the greatest. It has brought my family so much closer, in these last days.
When you put in all of the numbers, it is amazing!! I take it with me everywhere. Even my children get involved. Instead of playing outside, or with their video games, they would rather play with the OBVES.
My husband has put the OBVES to the real test. He has plugged all of the birth dates of the GB, and contacted all anointed, that are still alive, and measured the circumference of their thumbs. I was astounded at the results.
For anyone, who believes, this is a must have. This product will be the most important item in your home. We even have one in our "Armageddon is here kit".
My family is waiting with baited breath, for the iPhone download to come out. Then we can be in touch with each other with our calculations in seconds!!
I would recommend this to all of my friends.
Thank you everyone for your interest in this unique product.
Horrible Life - LOL what a fabulous endorsement. Thank you!