Was Your Field Service Report Accurate?

by minimus 33 Replies latest jw friends

  • minimus

    Most elders and pioneers know how to stretch the numbers a tad.

  • zev

    AND M.S.'S TOO!

  • helncon

    A few months before i left i just put down what i thought would be enough to keep them off my back, i do remember one of the elders asking why my hours were so low, for the life of me dont know what i said.

    When i moved congs i never filled out any reports.

    So no i wasn't accurate with my reports



    Minimus was a "Field Service Fudger"??!!!..Jaw Drop 2..Did SATAN make you do it?..Laughing Mutley..LOL!!...OUTLAW

  • wizardca

    Before the fade within half n hour accurate. Though when i sold the Asleep and Wathdumb mags pioneered full-time i totally fudged the numbers. Then started the fade reporting the national average more or less and slowly decreased the numbers until i stopped reporting the bs hours.

  • mouthy

    Oh NO!!!! as a matter of fact I knew some brothers & sister who DID ...So I did extra hours & NEVER put them in,,,,Because I wanted us to be an Honest organization

  • Princess Daisy Boo
    Princess Daisy Boo

    LOL - mouthy - that is so funny !

    Someone I knew used to run a creche. She hated FS so much and she just refused to ever go. She used to read stories out the bible story book to the little tots and count it as her hours!

    I always used to put a fake hour or two down, just to keep up appearances!


    I can't remember exactly what the regimen was, I think we were only allowed to count a certain number of hours per kid, per study, per month, well....I counted EVERY single min. I studied with my kids.


  • mouthy

    LOL - mouthy - that is so funny !

    But it wasnt funny when I did it. I honestly used to do that. The elder came to me one day & said "Grace I know you did more hours than you reported-because I did that much with you & then someone else said you worked with them all day?"WhY???

    So I told him two people had confided in me ( because I was the granny to them-adopted ) that they always put more hours than they did.....so I covered for them ....No I didnt report them I figuered Jah Knew what was going on

  • stillajwexelder

    absolutely and still do

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