Only in my early days as a JW.
Then I learned that most did not put accurate reports in.
The number of times I have heard an Elder say to someone, usually an elderly sister who had forgotten to put in a report "Just put a couple of hours down.".
Times I have emptied the report slip box for the Service Overseer and seen what some brothers and sisters reported. I've thought "Theres no way you did that many hours." Or the brother who puts down he placed 20 magazines, when I know he only picks up 4 from the magazine room. Or the brother who turns up for field service and goes after about 20 mins "to make calls" but reports that he did 15-20 hours. The brother who when leaving to go on service calls on a house near his home. Then drives 15 mins to the territory his group is meeting at, does about 20 -30 mins leaves, calls on another house near his home. Then claims he did an hour field service.
Then there was the brother who was consistently placing 80-100 magazines a month. Held up to be a wonderful example. Then it was discovered that all he was doing was posting the magazines through peoples doors. He never spoke to a single person.
I have been told how pioneers even made false reports. The pioneer brother who would go off on service for 3 days a week. But was discovered to have been going to a job he had.
There have been so many ways that ex-JW's have told me how they got round reporting service.
It makes you wonder just how accurate are the published reports.