So someone in my hubbys family who has been shunning me and i have not been able to see her kids etc and said it was my choice to leave so i must accept the consequences etc has been caught out. She's had three affairs over the last two years, with both sexes plus watching porn sex toys etc . Anyway its her final jc meeting tonight, so do you reckon (and she has told them she can't say it definately won't happen again!) they'll d'f her or keep her in? I'm really hoping for the first as then she'll see just what its like having friends and family turn against you, but i've got a sneaky suspiscion they're going to let her off just cos they need to keep their numbers up! What do you think? Will let you know tomorrow what's decided!
Will they disfellowship or not - cast your bets here!
by dobbie 37 Replies latest jw friends
my money is on DF.... to the tune of "another one bites the dust..." (unless they do things diff in the UK)
Snakes ()
They'll turf her but mostly because of the both sexes thing.
Repeated instances + porn = real trouble in front of the kangaroo court.
She's in for a tough session. (Exactly what did you do , where , what body parts, ugh....)
I'd say she'll have to put on a mighty good crocodile-tear show to even be considered for "public reproof".
My bet is DF.
If she tells them she can't promise never to do it again, they'll DF for sure.
hmm i'm not so sure, she's done it before you see and was allowed to stay in. Boy i bet the elders loved hearing all the gory details lol! So far then 4 for d'f and 1 (me) thinks she will get off!
Changeling yes that's the point my hubby says, if she gets off after saying that he will finally leave it for good cos he'll be so disgusted at the hypocrites.
I think they'll DF her for getting off ! lol
choosing life
Definate pattern there. I think they will cut her loose. They say a pattern shows you're not repentant.
Really none of their business though, stupid kangaroo courts by even more stupid little men.
I know what you mean Choosing Life but this is someone who is married with two young uns and has been really making me suffer just for being honest and saying i can't live that religion anymore and all the time she has been doing this whilst acting all self righteous!
They say the empty barrels make the most noise.
Your hypocritical friend sure was loud about your comparative lack of righteousness! LOL.