Well if she does get DF, I would refuse to talk to her to show that you don't approve of her behavior. Give her a taste of her own medicine
Will they disfellowship or not - cast your bets here!
by dobbie 37 Replies latest jw friends
I think it likely that she will get zapped
My, my, she's been busy. And so busy telling you how YOU chose to leave and she HAD to shun you.
Looks like she is going to find out just how "loving" shunning can be!!!!!
Saying you can't promise it won't happen again is humble honesty. JW elders don't like it,
but many will recognize that some people can't promise beyond their honesty.Multiple affairs before a JC almost guarantees a DF. That's my take on it.
Majority of JC committees are just looking for some adze kissing, since you made them deal with you.
Since she swings both ways, my bet is that she won't be Df'ed, because they want her to screw-up and confess again, giving them the a chance to ask for a demonstration of toy use, details on each "act" and whether she achieved orgasm.......because as soon as they hit their cars, they sure will.
The results are in the majority of you were correct! D'fed! (has got the next week to appeal though before it is announced). Hubby divorcing her and she rang her mother last night who said she can't go and stay with her anymore. I was so sure she was going to be allowed to stay in! Now she will find out just how horrible and upsetting being shunned is (i am actually already feeling sorry for her!)
Sheez, the poor chica. I hope she's okay.
She'll be fine Sass! She's as hard as they come, i know her jw best mate will still see her and i am pretty sure she will have a few wild months like she wants and then go and get reinstated. It's her two young ones and her poor husband i feel the most sorry for. Plus the kids will have a dogs life now they do already. Yes i do feel a sorry for anyone going to go through the shunning but then she offered me no support or even a smile all this time while she has been doing all this even with kids in the house at the time, and i think this will actually do her good and she might lose some of the attitude she has always had. I though she had confessed but apparently her friend did after she refused to do it herself and it had been going on for ages. Poor little kids will be even more dragged up now.
No Way is this 'lady' going to be DF'd!
This is the most exciting thing to happen to the Elders in that cong for a long time. They have to draw lots to be on her Kangaroo Court Team and here all the juicy exciting details!!!
They will just have to reprove her and keep 'monitoring her progress!'
Since you say that she had been called on the carpet for this before, and she will not say she wont do it again, she will probably get the ax. If it was her first time talking to the boys, she might have had a chance.
Let us know what happens!