My dad later gave a special needs talk about proms.
Ain't it great being an elder's kid?
I still have my prom pic.
This brings up a related question similar to what I asked Snakes:
Did you enjoy your Senior Prom (if you went)?
Is the fact that you weren't allowed to go, (if you weren't allowed) a big deal to you looking back?
BTW, here's my prom story, or rather non-story. Being an elder's kid and living in an area where non-married JWs didn't even dance at weddings, (back then, it's changed a little now I hear) there was NO WAY IN H*LL I even DREAMED of going. I didn't even CONSIDER asking my parents about it. So when I was asked by a girl to go, I had to drag out the old tried-and-true "it's against my religion" line. She of course had the usual, WTF?, look on her face. And that was the end of it. To be honest, not going to the prom is not something I look back on with huge regrets. Being a social outcast at school (pretty much) is the bigger issue which I do have a measure of resentment about. By the time the prom came along, the idea of going there and just being a nerdy wallflower didn't appeal to me that much.
Open Mind