Have you gotten yours yet? Will you get one? Have you ever had one? Anyone allergic to them (if you're allergic to eggs, avoid them please).
I'm getting mine for the 15th year in a row come Saturday. Haven't had a flu during the past 15 years.
by REBORNAGAIN 26 Replies latest jw friends
Have you gotten yours yet? Will you get one? Have you ever had one? Anyone allergic to them (if you're allergic to eggs, avoid them please).
I'm getting mine for the 15th year in a row come Saturday. Haven't had a flu during the past 15 years.
Nope. Never had one and never will unless I'm forced to by outside sources. I've only had the flu about 3 times in my life and since a flu vaccine cannot protect you against every flu virus, then I choose not to take the ones offered and put 'junk' into my body. I had pleurisy when I was younger. I have had the odd cold but they haven't come up with a cure for that yet.....I was just discussing this with a relative the other day - how when we were young, there wasn't all this worry and subsequent innoculation about a possible flu bug. Most nations have a problem with obesity, heart disease and type 2 diabetes is on the rise - and while the flu is a concern no doubt, I will wait until they force me to take a vaccine for the bird flu epidemic under orders from the general in charge of the quarantine under martial law... sammieswife.
I used to get a flu shot every year. However, I changed policies at work - no one is allowed to come to work sick and students who are sick are sent home immediately. Since we started being really hard-assed about that, I haven't been sick so I stopped getting flu shots a few years ago. We also push hand-washing and we have gallon jugs of alcohol-aloe gel for our hands - with big pumps on them. So everyone is more conscious of washing their hands, not touching their faces, not shaking hands, that kind of thing.
No! Sammielee24 pretty much covered my reasons also. I have not had one in over twenty years and the only time I have got the flu was a period of extreme stress and lack of sleep.
Mercury accumulates in our bodies and when you start adding up the mercury ingestion we have over our lifespan it can get very high. You can request a vaccine that is mercury free but it must be special ordered ahead of time.
Ask to see the package insert and read about the side effects and what ingredients are in it. Make an informed decision and do your own research. In the US if you have serious reaction you can't sue your doctor or the company that made the vaccine. That should cause most people to wonder why such a blanket protection is in place if they are as safe as we assume them to be.
I had the flu once. It was one of the worst things I've ever experienced. I got a flu shot the next year. Felt almost as bad after the shot as I did with the flu. I know, I know, they say you can't get the flu from the shot, and I'm not saying I did, but my arm hurt like hell for over a week afterward, and I felt like crap. That was the last time I've got one.
I'm with Sammie, I never have and never will. I've never gotten the flu (knock on wood) but every year when my dad gets the shot...he gets the flu. My husband and my children have never had it and I'm not going to tempt fate.
??????????? are you saying mercury is in the flu shots? If so, well, hmm, maybe I should reevaluate my yearly routine.
The flu shot is usually only protection against 1 particular strain of the flu. A person can still get another strain. Also the immunities need to build up, up to 6 weeks time, so the flu is still possible to get during the first 6 wks after the fact.
Thanks for your tips and experiences.
I know the shots arent supposed to make you sick, but they do me. So I wont be getting them anymore, have not gotten one for the last two years.
You should be able to request a thymersol (mercury) free flu shot but most clinics do not stock them and must be special ordered. My wife is a paramedic and gets the Hep series but requests the thymersol free ones ahead of time.
To me it makes more sense to keep my immunities up with enough sleep, fresh air, low stress, healthy diet, exercise etc. If your immunities drop then you are wide open to whatever pathogen you come in contact with. That may be the flu or god knows whatever else.
The CDC can't even prove they are effective with the data they have.
#1 way to prevent the flu - lots of handwashing with warmwater and ordinary handsoap. Learn not to touch your face. Don't shake hands if you can avoid it. It works for us in the office. We also wash the keyboards and telephones, door knobs, light switches now and then. Just plain soap and water, a little bleach.