by REBORNAGAIN 26 Replies latest jw friends

  • BrentR

    Your medical doctor probably will not tell you about this when you go to get your flu shot. It’s all about making informed decisions.

    A Serious Concern: Alzheimer’s Disease

    Hugh Fudenberg, MD, an immunogeneticist and biologist with nearly 850 papers published in peer review journals, has reported that if an individual had five consecutive flu shots between 1970 and 1980 (the years studied), his/her chances of getting Alzheimer's Disease is ten times higher than if they had zero, one, or two shots.[vii]

    Dr. Boyd Haley, Professor and Chair of the Department of Chemistry at the University of Kentucky, Lexington has done extensive research in the area of mercury toxicity and the brain. Haley’s research has established a likely connection between mercury toxicity and Alzheimer’s disease. [viii] In a paper published in collaboration with researchers at University of Calgary, Haley stated that “seven of the characteristic markers that we look for to distinguish Alzheimer's disease can be produced in normal brain tissues, or cultures of neurons, by the addition of extremely low levels of mercury.”[ix]

    Does this prove that the mercury contained in the influenza shot can be directly linked to Alzheimer’s? No, absolutely not. But further research in this area is critically needed because the absence of proof is not the “proof of absence.”[x]

  • sweetface2233

    AHHHH, every time I get a flu shot I have a low grade fever and body aches for 3 days. I'd rather get the full blown flu as I have once or twice before. It's paid sick leave, yo!!!

  • tula
  • freyd

    Well, we've all got to go sooner or later and I'd rather go sooner. Maybe the flu will get me.

  • sammielee24

    Mercury accumulates in our bodies and when you start adding up the mercury ingestion we have over our lifespan it can get very high. You can request a vaccine that is mercury free but it must be special ordered ahead of time.

    Yep. People underestimate or are unaware of the mercury in the vaccines. The governments, when it realized that mercury fillings in teeth has been causing problems, refused to outright ban the substance immediately for that use. If you break a glass thermometer, or one of the spiral lights that contains small amounts of mercury, you are susposed to call it in to a hazmat team to dispose of. They don the white body suits and decontaminate your house - now think about the mercury that it's in the filling in your mouth and just how close that is to your central nervous system. Pretty scary isn't it? sammieswife.

    Scientifically Proven Facts
    About Dental Amalgam (Mercury Fillings)
    (Numbers in brackets refer to references at the bottom of this article)

    • Dental Amalgam contains about 50% Mercury.
    • Mercury has been scientifically demonstrated to be more toxic than Lead, Cadmium or even Arsenic.
    • Mercury leaves dental amalgam continuously throughout the lifetime of the filling.
    • Mercury vapour is the main way that mercury comes out of amalgam. (31)
    • Mercury vapour is absorbed at a rate of 80% through the lungs into the arterial blood (31, 55)
    • Mercury kills cells.
    • There is NO harmless level of Mercury Vapour Exposure (63)
    • Mercury from mercury fillings binds to sulphydryl groups. These exist in almost every enzymatic process in the body. Mercury from amalgam has the potential to disturb all metabolic processes (25, 33, 60)
    • Mercury from amalgam is transported freely via the blood (19, 34, 35).
    • Mercury vapour is absorbed directly into the brain (34, 55a)
    • Mercury from amalgam will result in a slow build up of mercury in body tissues (20, 26, 34)
    • Mercury crosses the blood brain barrier (34, 55a)
    • Mercury is implicated in Alzheimer's Disease (67, 68)
    • Mercury from amalgam is stored in the foetus and infant before the mother (20, 61) (Could this be part of the reason for children getting cancer?).
    • Mercury from amalgam is stored in the breast milk and the foetus up to 8 times more than the mother's tissues (18, 19)
    • Mercury crosses the placenta (18, 31)
    • Mercury crosses into breast milk (18, 31, 61)
    • Mercury will severely reduce reproductive function (2, 3, 4, 20, 22, 24, 31, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 49)
    • Mercury rapidly depletes the immune system (27, 34, 35, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 60)
    • Mercury will induce a number of Auto Immune Diseases (27, 34, 35, 42,43, 44, 60)
    • Mercury will cause an increase in number and severity of all allergies (1, 34, 60)
    • Mercury from amalgam is stored principally in the kidneys, liver and brain (1, 20, 31)
    • Mercury from amalgam causes kidney damage (shown in animal experiments) (59)
    • Mercury from amalgam causes a 50% reduction in Kidney filtration, as shown in a study of sheep after amalgam placement (59)
    • After chewing, Mercury vapour levels will remain raised for at least another 90 minutes (1, 15, 16, 18, 47)
    • Mercury from amalgam will migrate through the tooth (25, 27, 30)
    • This rate of migration is increased if a gold crown is placed over a tooth filled with amalgam (27, 30)
    • Teeth are living tissues and are a part of our bodies.
    • Teeth have a massive communication via blood, lymph and nerves with the rest of the body (34)
    • Mercury from amalgam is absorbed into the body at a rate of 3 to 17 mcg / day (WHO 1991 Criteria 118)
    • Mercury is transported along nerve fibres (33,34, 50)
    • Mercury form amalgam may be stored in every cell in the body. Each area affected will produce its own set of symptoms (See "The Real Causes of Pain & Disease ")
    • Mercury binds to haemoglobin in the red blood cell thus reducing oxygen carrying capacity (1, 16, 17, 21, 26,35)
    • Mercury damages blood vessels, thereby reducing blood supply to the tissues (34)
    • Amalgam fillings produce electrical currents which are no doubt injurious to health. These currents are measurable in Micro Amps. The Central Nervous System and Brain operate in the range of Nano-Amps, which are 1,000 times less than a Micro Amp (28)
    • Dissimilar metals in the mouth, such as gold and amalgam, produce higher electrical currents (19, 30)
    • Brain levels of mercury are in a direct linear proportion to the number of surfaces of amalgam fillings in the mouth (1,19, 25)
    • Mercury will cause single strand breaks in DNA (41,42)
    • Mercury levels in the blood can NOT be assessed by blood or urine levels (26)
    • Dental personnel are severely affected by exposure to mercury (3,13, 49)
  • R.F.

    I haven't had a flu shot in about 10 years I think, and I don't plan on getting one this year.

    1 way to prevent the flu - lots of handwashing with warmwater and ordinary handsoap. Learn not to touch your face. Don't shake hands if you can avoid it. It works for us in the office. We also wash the keyboards and telephones, door knobs, light switches now and then. Just plain soap and water, a little bleach.

    Those are some of the things I practice to keep me from getting sick.

  • cyd0099

    I am always exposed to the public so I always end up getting some sort of bug. This year marked my first ever flu shot - The shop paid for mine so I figured what the heck.

  • MeneMene

    I just got my flu shot this week. There has been no adverse reactions over the 10 to 15 years I have been getting them (yet). I used to get strep throat and tonsillitis every year - sometimes a couple times a year. Ever since I started getting the flu shot I hardly even get a cold. An MD said that has nothing to do with the flu shot. Perhaps it is a coincidence but I haven't wanted to test it.

    I have had the flu so bad 3 or 4 times many years ago that I really felt like death would have been better.

    Thanks for the info on mercury. I had no idea it was in the shots. Guess I'll have to think about next year.

  • BrentR

    I would rather have twenty cases of the flu then one case of Alzheimer’s. A friend of mine had a son that developed autism type sysmptoms after his MMR shot. They went to a specialist that does chelation and over the course of several weeks they got the mercury out and the autism sysmptoms rapidly went away. It took a year of special ed and alot of therapy to get him back to age appropriate behavior and IQ.

    Autism affects 1 out of every 150 kids and 1 in 94 boys are diagnosed with it.

    My daughter has not had a single vaccination and she is almost nine. She has been to the doctors only twice for check ups and we are fortunate to have a pediatrician that does not push vaccinations.

    How did society start believing that babies are born without a functioning immune system?

  • horrible life
    horrible life

    Lots of viruses will get you down for 1 to 3 days. You feel yucky, sick. Take off work a couple of days. THIS IS NOT THE FLU!!!!!!

    If you have the Flu, you will know it. I had it 6 years ago. I thought I was gonna die. My husband made me sleep on the couch, and he farmed out the child. He would come home late, and spray Lysol ahead of him. They didn't get it. The flu medication, that was new at the time, gave me hallucinations. I could see the fireplace, bowing in, and bowing out. The couch was like a canoe on the ocean.

    I was totally sick for 1 week. It took another week, for me to be able to have half stregnth to go back to work. I would only wish this on 2 people in the world.

    I have people coughing in my face, all day long. (literally) I am usually the first to line up to get a flu shot now. And with my Crohns disease, I am a target for the flu. When they were rationing flu shots a couple of years ago, I qualified with being a health care professional, Crohns disease, & helper at the schools.

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